Ann (biggreeneyes)

Will my finances work out to meet my needs in the next week? I’m scared

over 5 years ago

marva.lee (sunn10020)

Hello, Let me look into spirit and see what is ahead around finances , and if oyu will meet your needs and much more . I have specials today. Come in and let me help you . Blessings

over 5 years ago



My name is Angelic Guide & I am known for being an Empathy. I can Feel what you are going through. I am able to Feel the energy around you. I’ll always leave you feeling Uplifted. Even when I provide the TRUTH you Don’t want to hear.

So, Let’s have Chat and Unfold things for you in Private Reading Because this is a public place to discuss details related to your Private Life.

Kind Regards

over 5 years ago