
My name is rebecca 05/28/86 and I’m feeling like I’m drowning because I can’t afford anything I’m getting more hours at work now and I’m glad otherwise I don’t know how I’d get though it. It just seems the harder I work, the more work I want, the more bills I seem to have. Things just keep poping up and I’m barely able to keep food on the table for my son! I need help! I’d love to win the lottery like anyone else but I’m not greedy I just want enough to get by :( I was in an accident nearly two yrs ago and it’s starting to catch up with me and I’m afraid because I don’t know how long I can keep this up without suffering a more painful injurry. Will money help come soon? If so, how long and from what sorce? Thank you!

over 12 years ago

Annabell (readingsbyannabell)

hey sweetie sorry to hear things are going so hard on you but keep your head up things will get better money will come soon come and chat with me to see when

over 12 years ago

Truth & Light (dyami)

Dear! I have read all about you. I am feeling that at this time you are in a difficult situation. But don’t worry things will become kind to you. You will have to pleased that i am eager for your help. let’s chat

over 12 years ago

Starsalign (starsalign)

I picked up a great tarot card for you,the ten of disks.this tells us you are suspected to have an “out of the blue” lucrative raise in pay,or it coming from somewhere quite unexpectedly.Message me and we can do a reading according to your budget and what you can afford.instead of doing a full 12 cad zodiac reading i can do just the specific houses that represent finances and work,career,reputation,and prestige.Though i’d need your dob,city and time,am or pm.msg me -stacy

over 12 years ago

catty spiritual advisor (catty)

hi rebecca i am so sorry to hear about the things your going through. don’t give up because god has a plan for you. i know things seem like there going nowhere right now but i see things slowly takeing a turn for the better for you soon. i will say a special spiritual prayer for you. if you need more advice come chat with me i have a low flat rate. and please try and keep your head up becuase there are better days ahead for you.

god bless you catty.

over 12 years ago

Wisdom7 (psychic_power)

hey rebecca, i can understand how its painful the time you are going under. There is always there is a light end of the tunnel you need to talk with me to find the way out. please contact me for a live session

good luck

over 12 years ago

MRS.LEA.GARCIA☼ (ms.lea.garcia)

stress is in everyones life but for some reason you have above average stress/confustion in yours, if you click my name you can view my rating and call me for accurate advice godbless hope to hear from you soon Lea :)

over 12 years ago

Debbie (angel90)


I will be honest and tell you that at present how your feeling and thinking is adding fuel to what is happening.

In order to change ones destiny one must first stop and let go of the past its called that for a reason.

Now I want you to focus on the positives in your life for example you have a job there are people out there struggling to find one yet you have one. You have a son you have been blessed with the ability to have children when there are others who can never do this. You get the idea.

Also every day before you get up say out loud a mantra which are positive affirmations you will need to create this yourself here is the start of one you fill in the blanks

I am (think of something positive about yourself) I am (think of something you would like to achieve) Because (think of a positive reason)

Say the mantra out loud daily and any time you feel a negative thought come on.

Anything is possible you sometimes have to have blind faith and trust your spirit guide and the universe are helping sometimes it takes longer than expected because the universe has to find the best way to help without getting you into strife.

Have a listen to the strangest secret audio

Post pictures from magazines around your home of what you want to achieve

Perhaps go talk to a crystal shop in regards to crystals that draw wealth and prosperity to you.

But I would also go and see a budget advisor and seek out government help. Where is the father he should be contributing to the welfare of your son.

over 12 years ago


Thank you for all your advice and I will try to stay positive.

Debbie…unfortunately the father of my child has lost his will to do anything for me or our family. He has stopped trying to look for work and now is only good to me for a babysitter for our son while I go to work. I have recently told him I can’t afford him anymore and took his car off the road. I only hope that he now will get off his lazy butt and do something. Josh 03/30/86 if anyone can let me know of a direction from him to go or if he will not change let me know so my son and I can move on.

Thx again and god bless all you for your advice and wisdom for those of us who need it most. You are wonderful!

over 12 years ago