ME (destinyseeker)

From a young age, i’ve experienced different things, so did my parents, siblings and other members of the family. It’s only over the past year or so, i’ve been becoming more aware of my abilities, although, i still find I need advice on matters, but yet at the same time, can advise other people.

I was talking to a cousin i know of, but have never met, and we were talking about our deceased grandfather. I believe he came back after his passing, and i had a premonition just before he passed over.

As we spoke, she said she had seen his spirit although she never met him. With that, i went cold, the kettle switched on and off a few times, i felt pain in my arm, (he had a stroke in life, but that’s not how he passed), and then i went all cold, felt drained..

This has made me think too – I get weak, drained, headaches, and can’t seem to figure out why. I get so low, and at times, feel that it’s NOT my pain. Do you think that when I get like this, i am picking up energy, or feeling something, as i’ve been told i am an empath. It’s also like when I have in the past been asking about a certain female, i swear that i was also picking up on her feelings for someone else. I know for a fact that I was intune with her, maybe i got confused and thought I had feelings for her, when that weren’t the case. What’s everyones views on this?

over 13 years ago

jenny Fardell (garnetta)

Hi, I’m in a similar position. I am discovering tons of stuff about why I felt so different as a child. Why I keep getting ‘sucked into’ this kind of stuff. That my strange dreams and occasionally ‘odd’ inability to wake up and move is known as lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis! And, like yourself, I’m confused about being rational about stuff, and knowing how to decipher feelings. Are they mine? Someone else’s I’m picking up on? Why do people affect me and make me feel so incredibly sad sometimes?.. You can’t be in tune with someone and not have feelings for them, because in a way you are experiencing what they’re feeling. Then we get hurt because we feel cut off when they move on. I think you, and probably myself, need to go and see a properly qualified and registered psychic or energy healer. First to give us reassurance, second to assess what’s going on, third for advice how to use it for the best. And fourth to give us peace of mind and strengthen us when we feel emotionally and mentally drained. Good luck

over 13 years ago

Art (smartadvice)

dear destinyseeker, you are about to experience something fundamentally new :-) , art from belgium.

over 13 years ago

ME (destinyseeker)

Hi Art, do you know, I actually feel as if something is about to change/happen. It’s as if the hell i have been through over the past two years is finally over, and lets face it, I actually do feel i deserve something new. I appreciate that bit of information. how much more can you tell me on that?

over 13 years ago

angel (angel34)

I have been experiencing this sort of thing since 19 the latest was seeing a murder now that was scarey, I did pass on the details to the police which I think did help but seeing it sort of freaked me out I think I was pacing up and down that day not sure what to do. Before that I saw visions of me being proposed to in a restaurant, exchanging wedding vowls in a church, my first child and hearing the name I give her and also seeing the other child that I have which is a boy it was weird because at the time I was grievng the loss of my grandfather so I was not exactly thinking about that stuff at the time. Just go with it is all I say.. I am teaching myself astral travel and remote viewing at present I am up to 1 lotto number so far being correct it takes practice and a lot of dicipline and energy to develop that. The astral travel and remote viewing is fun I have seen someone in a restaurant, and then the same person walking down a particular street of course I would never tell them I have these gifts they would freak out. Any way go with it and develop it if you were not meant to have this gift then you would not be able to do what it is that you do.

It is funny this gift that each and every human has that some just don’t tap into because they don’t have an open mind. I am now tapping into this gift to connect with someone that is not talking to me at present in hope that I can reach out to him and some how have him make actual contact with me I am open to the different ways to achieve things and this is no exception just won’t tell him when he eventually does talk to me because he does not really believe in this stuff and he tends to freak out so for the moment until the time is right I will keep this to myself. I am enjoying doing this though beats moping around feeling sorry for myself and they do say you have to be proactive to get what you want so I call this being proactive and I can’t get into any trouble unlike actual physical contact such as by phone and email so I think I will use this time to develop this skill and at the same time get this guy to contact me.

over 13 years ago

ME (destinyseeker)

I think if my mind weren’t always plagued with some kind of problem, i’d definately go and develop this, maybe also to help others in the future. I know what you mean, you have to choose who you tell about things like this. I was about eight when i had a dream about my gran who hadn’t long passed, and would like to be regressed to see if i had seen/experienced things before the age i was when i remebered my first experience. That must have taken some bravery, actually going to the police when it appears you weren’t quite sure, but i’m pretty sure in this day and age that the police take information as such a bit more seriously than what they would have years ago. I can always tell when i have had a premonition, by the way i awake. It’s as if i wake up before my time, and feel ‘weird’ i’m not sure if veryone who has premonitions feel the same? How about you? :) x

over 13 years ago