veronique lapointe (veroska)

hello….i m a girl (27/08/1976) who is really in love with his man (14/01/1979) We ve been together since 3 years.We even have a child together. But, this days, it s kind of strange.. Whats happen??? Please..

over 12 years ago

Angel Allison (angel2011)

hi veronigue ! We need to talk in private.Contact me,please.

over 12 years ago

Sarahphina (psychicsarahphina)

Hello I Am a psychic reader and advisor please contact me ASAP

over 12 years ago

Debbie (angel90)

Stop focussing on anything you may deem as negative going on. Don’t rely on him to make things exciting you need to step up and spice things up between you. It is quite common for couples to become comfortable in the relationship and obviously this bores you. So now its up to you. Role play out some fantasies you both have or even 1 night a week get someone else to look after your child and arrange a date night like when you first met. Have you tried talking to your partner as communication is a key ingredient in any successful relationship. When a child comes along things change you spend more time with the child doing things to make the child happy that in a way you neglect the relationship with your partner. Time to balance things out. Organise a surprise for your partner just for the both of you have you got family or friends who can babysit. Maybe your partner feels neglected since the child was born that does happen and is why you and he need couple time once a week without the child around. Have a think of some things you can do together that don’t involve the child.

over 12 years ago