Jenny Star (pinkandpurpleaura)

so I think I know why things haven’t manifested for me and it could be the same for some of you.. getting too many readings isn’t a good thing. the universe wants you to trust in it and know that things will happen. if you get too many readings from different psychics you will mess up the energies. by getting too many readings you are leaving room for doubt since you didn’t trust what someone else told you. I believe that things will happen more than ever. I made a vision board – I found an app on my phone. doing the law of attraction too. I am talking as if things are already happening and thanking the universe for bringing me to what I desire. hope this might help some of you. :)

over 6 years ago

Kitty F (scorpiof1)

Jenny I think you are right. I went through a stage where i was getting alot of readings in succession one after the other and believe that may have affected accuracy. And its true it does leave room for doubt if you continuously seek guidance from many different advisors. Im been trying the power of manifestation too and i think its a great idea to act & think as if things have already happened (Abraham Hicks on YouTube is great for this whole concept) Thank you! :)

over 6 years ago

Jenny Star (pinkandpurpleaura)

Kitty. I hope things manifest for you! Or I should say I know they are and will!

over 6 years ago

Kaz Kaz (kazkaz)

Ive also come to realise that maybe i need to stop getting readings either all together or not as many.. ive reaised that each reading i get that doesnt come to pass creates negative thoughts which leads to negative energy.. Maybe its a lesson for us all that we need to stop giving so much power to others when we are in control of our lives and thoughts. Ive had trouble getting myself to believe this as i want to know what is ahead for me but maybe we arent suppose to know and maybe we just have to believe that things will work out and whatever is meant to be will be no matter what..

Kitty F: not sure if it was you who i spoke to in my last post abput the advisors though it has bren taken down which is a shame as we should ve able to share feedback and experiences on here without admin taking the posts down.. Just shows that they done really care about the customers.

over 6 years ago

Kitty F (scorpiof1)

Thank you Jenny I believe it will manifest for me and for you too! Everyone deserves happiness:)Ive been watching a Law of attraction video and feel very positive and inspired. Plus I downloaded that app too! :)

over 6 years ago

Kitty F (scorpiof1)

Kaz yes it was me and they do take the posts down i guess if they dont follow their “regulations ” which is a shame. Ultimately we do have the power to control our lives and a good psychic i once went to said to me, no reading is as powerful as your own intuition. I need to learn to trust that more rather than seeking insights from someone else. I agree totally if its meant to be it will be! :)

over 6 years ago

Nivedita Datta (aaminivea)

We have all grown spiritually in the last few months / years …I think that in itself is a wonderful achievement…

over 6 years ago

Jenny Star (pinkandpurpleaura)

I think the universe wants us to trust it. By getting readings shows lack of trust. Psychics say the same.. I will hear from him. I will hear from him! Having readings doesn’t change the outcome. Trust what has been said and go forward. I will help manifest all of this including affirmations, meditations, law of attraction and my vision board. I look forward to hearing your predictions coming true! I look forward to sharing mine when it does. I asked the universe to bring contact from him and if not to bring me someone like him or better. But there is a reason I still feel so connected to him. The universe would bring someone else by now if I wasn’t meant to be with him. The universe is waiting for the right time and I need to continue growing spiritually.

over 6 years ago

Jenny Star (pinkandpurpleaura)

I wish we could start a manifestation group where we can manifest together!

over 6 years ago

loveandlight78 (mattdemon)

there is no sense in what u say Jenny, please stay away from here !

over 6 years ago

Kitty F (scorpiof1)

Loveandlight! How can you have the name love and light and say Jenny’s post makes no sense. She is trying to be hopeful and positive. It is not right that you tell her what she is saying is wrong and to stay away. We are all trying our best to be positive while facing difficult situation. Please do not knock people because they believe differently to you!

over 6 years ago

Kitty F (scorpiof1)

Jenny keep up rhe great work and dont listen to anyone here who thinks negatively! Nivedita is right we have grown :)

over 6 years ago

Kitty F (scorpiof1)

Thank you HouseofEdwards i wish the same for you & for all those on here who are seeking answers:)

over 6 years ago

Jenny Star (pinkandpurpleaura)

Everyone is on a different path. No need to judge.

over 6 years ago

Rebo (rebo)

Think about this. Readings are like a gambling addiction. We lose some, so we go for it again to gain some. In regards to gambling its money. In regards to readings its hope.

over 6 years ago

Nivedita Datta (aaminivea)

Yes Jenny and every one of attraction is what we should practice and at the same time we should be thankful for the spiritual growth and enjoy it :)

over 6 years ago

alwayssingle (alwayssingle)

This is what is happening to me.. I feel there will be contact with my guy eventually too but I need to grow as a person first. I realized I ruined things with him cause my life was all over the place at the time.. I still am all over the place so what sense would it make if the universe gave him back to me for a second chance if it did? I gotta change and be open. Stop thinking certain ways and doing certain things. I realized lately too and by readings this many things in my journal I wrote down before this year started are coming to fruition. Slowly but surely. One thing i DID NOT write down which I should have was asking for re connection with this individual. So time will tell.

over 6 years ago

Jenny Star (pinkandpurpleaura)

I downloaded a manifestation app. Pretty good stuff. My goal is no readings before contact. Once he does I will stick to only a couple psychics.

over 6 years ago

alwayssingle (alwayssingle)

Keep us posted. May I ask what the app is? I may try that. Thanks!

over 6 years ago

Chree (chree)

I agree with readings. Had one the other night while the reader was nice. & had good advice I know they were totally wrong about something they said. So it kinda made me wonder were they connected to me at all. I agree with Kitty Abraham Hicks is good I’ve been recommended her by a few people.

over 6 years ago

Chree (chree)

I agree with readings. Had one the other night while the reader was nice. & had good advice I know they were totally wrong about something they said. So it kinda made me wonder were they connected to me at all. I agree with Kitty Abraham Hicks is good I’ve been recommended her by a few people.

over 6 years ago

meerkat (meerkat)

it seems like al of us have been waiting…perhaps it is time to stop, breathe and move on

over 6 years ago