miko fox (miko)

heres something i copied from a friends fb status “geez…just got word that the 21 year old son of a co-worker may have drowned while swimming (illegally) in the Tridelphia Reservoir in Maryland…He and his friends did it regularly on weekends….he may have hit his head…very sad…Be careful out there!! And don’t do things you shouldn’t be doing … The politicians do that and regularly go down…feling bad for my co-worker…she is a wonderful person.”

his friends have not been able to find him in the reservoir and he may have drowned and hit his head. there is also suspicion that he may have just disappeared on purpose,to get away from things i guess.. the vibe im getting is an unhappy one. can anyone please try to pick up on anything that suggests hes ok?. i feel that he is out of the water

over 12 years ago