Jennifer Miller (jennmiller)

Can anyone, advisor or user give me your opinion on heart to heart connections, or also referred to as soul to soul connections. Where you type as though you are taking to your living loved one, and the advisor responds as that person (they are channeling and relaying the messages back and forth)

For over a year I have found a couple people here that offer them. When I’ve had them done, a couple would not know the most basic, yes or no answers that that loved one would know. Not intricate questions either, but if the person had a sibling or not, etc. Some I knew were obviously fake and I questioned them. But a couple FELT so real, it truly felt comforting and offered me peace of mind when I needed it the most.

I recently spoke to a very trusted advisor who told me her view, and that they are not real. And I can easily be manipulated and told what I want to hear/believe in those readings. And that’s true. When getting them I was told an ex wanted me so bad, would cry about it, but had things to work out, to come back a better man. Or work issues, or housing…. etc. But over a year later they have not come back.

I’ve also had many failed predictions about his return, too many to count, but any advisor willing to follow up claim “free will”. But in the heart to hearts “he” told me he was coming back.

Yes, I get it, I was played and taken advantage of. I have moved forward, I’ve been doing wonderful with healing and work on myself etc. I just want to know why advisors tell you for a year and more, that something is happening when it was never going to. I would have paid the SAME amounts for healing and other things. This is not about money, this is amour the lies and mental anguish I was put through.

Or specifically about opinions on heart to heart connections and did others feel they were connected? Was something said as proof? Do you think you were told what you wanted to hear over what things really were? Etc.

over 7 years ago