Clarisse Ramos (reez88)

Connection I made with someone. Starts with an M. (feb 20 1989)

So there is the immense push and pull towards you but at the same time there’s a strong inner voice telling them they aren’t ready. They still need time to make them clean-up-their- act, to release old demons and to do their own work first, go through the changes that karma dictates and to one day be ready to reconnect with me.

I hear so many times about how freewill is overriding the connection. Some inner knowing they aren’t ready right now but one day they will be. The runner is more confused by these immensely strong and diverse feelings than the chaser who myself is super aware and is trying to make sense of it all. So which psychic will understand that dynamics of a situation? Rather than what he or she is thinking / feeling right now, because M’s compass is clearly whirling in circles, and any reading based on where they are is not an indication of what’s going to happen right? Unfortunately that doesn’t stop some people projecting the runners present state into a “prediction” of his return, could it?

Or what if it myself that has blocks or my energy is off from compassionate this connection? Do I have manifest and meditate myself? Do I seek healing or cleansing to make this clearer for me or for both of us?

I’ve been getting varying answers.. depending on who you talk to..

Common answers: He is not ready, he is immature, he is scared of love, he has fears of the unknown with you, he has insecurities, the connection is too strong to handle, the depth of his feelings he can’t handle it, he was so hurt in the past, he is your soulmate, he came back into your life for a reason, his feelings are true he is just not present at the moment

The spiritualness of this vs. his present state of turmoil.

What do we really base it on ultimately?


C (Mar 31 1988)

over 7 years ago


Base it on the reality of the situation in the present. Not the past or the future, but the present.

His actions are telling you everything you need to know about where he’s at and what he wants.

If you care about him and wish to be with him, it’s really important to validate and honor those feelings. But at the end of the day, if you continue to pine after someone who isn’t truly there or who is ambivalent about you, what does that say about how you feel about yourself deep down? It says that you think the best you deserve is someone who can’t pull their own weight in a partnership. You shouldn’t have to be doing the work of two people. And the longer you hold on to an imbalanced situation with a person who is clearly showing you moment by moment how they feel and what they think (i.e. for whatever reason, they aren’t interested – which doesn’t have any bearing at all on your worth as a woman, but is simply what is), the more you delay your experience of true happiness and push away from you the possibility of having true love with someone who is just as invested as you are.

over 7 years ago


Ironically, a lot of highly revered “teachers” in the twin flame community are teaching people how to be codependent, emotionally enmeshed and to remain stuck in insecure attachment bonds. To glorify unhealthy patterns in relationships and be martyrs for love. To ignore reality and the present moment (which is a gentle way of saying “to be delusional”) and instead attach to some idealized version of love in the future. It’s the opposite of being truly spiritual.

True love is incredible, and when it’s real, it happens when two people want the same things at the same times and are on the same page. (There are no martyrs when it comes to true love.) If that’s not the case, I hope you choose to love yourself enough to let go and make space for someone who will want the same and who is willing to put in effort to build an imperfect but deeply fulfilling bond with you.

over 7 years ago

meerkat (meerkat)

easy to say for most whom have option with regards to finding the “true Love” some of us it is not an option

over 7 years ago

Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Hi answers to main questions of your post Clarisse could only ever be given in a reading. But as for the title of your post

” Why is it some pychics can see other psychics cannot “

This can be for a number of reasons. Mainly each reader works in there own way. no 2 are ever truly the same. The other reason which is more common comes down to connection or lack of.

I for example can not connect to everyone but rather than me trying to wing it, I will say it so. There is for an example a person at the moment with whom we have tried 2 times to connect. But I cant for some reason. Like my brain goes dead.

So they will try again in a weeks time, but it means im not wasting there time neither mine at that time.

But its difficult when its border line, when you think you feel something , but are not sure. After all as humans we are diverse and complex creatures. Then it can throw up differing things from what another Psychic might see, and even a totally different outcome if applicable.

In the end all things with moderation … go with what you feel, be open to what can be said. And most important try clear mind of ANY expectations you might have as to what you feel you will hear.

Good luck with it all


over 7 years ago


Dino, I think you’re a really nice person, but I totally disagree with this statement:

“Hi answers to main questions of your post Clarisse could only ever be given in a reading.”

I believe that Clarisse already has the answers inside of her; she just may not be completely aware of them, or may not have been when she posted this. She doesn’t actually need to get a reading to get in touch with her own truth, but sometimes it can be a shortcut and a saving grace if someone struggles with self-doubt. But to say she can only get the right answer by paying another person to read for her (who passes information through their own personal filter) is very disempowering – and simply not true.

over 7 years ago

☾♥ Love Advisor Gina ... (loveadvisorgina0)

Why worry, wait or wonder? Call me now for clarity!I will tell you exactly what is going to happen and how to fix every problem. $10 Special For 10 mins. i would be happy to help..

Love, Light & Blessings.


over 7 years ago