Natasha (interstellarrush)

Going through a wee of a relationship problem, I feel like different advisor (the ones I’m connected with) would be able to fish out different feelings from different aspect?

For example, going to Count Marco made find my own empowerment and confidence within mysel, going to Michael Duval led me to make peace with the situation and to surrender, and recently, I talked to Sky in Purple Ocean–– I first was just asking about my aura to be read.

Really great and thorough, BTW. She didn’t get any aspect of my personality wrong; and as a very offbeat person like myself, there’s no way this can be applied to the general society. It’s called The Barnum Effect, and it’s used as one of the methods fake psychics utilize to cold read and make their clients feel like it’s very personalized to them–– it’s used in a lot of personality tests and psychic scams (perhaps like Doreen Virtue? Never gotten the chance to be lured into it, but I heard it’s a total scam).

She picked up a disappointment for someone. As she got my personality down to the T, I got a follow up reading to confirm what she saw. It really brought up the emotion I never really talked about before, and led me to bring it up to the surface, as well as realizing that there’s a certain event throughout the relationship that I had forgotten about. I think this helps me to move forward.

Is anybody else experiencing this? Please do share, I’d like to hear your take on this. :)

over 7 years ago


Advisors draw insight and guidance from different sources which are filtered through their own personal lens comprised of their own personal history and experiences and fund of knowledge, so it makes sense that they all see different aspects of a situation. They are human after all. :)

I just read about the Barnum effect—really interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing about that!

And hey, if getting readings helps you to uncover feelings and beliefs buried in your unconscious mind that are holding you back and may need to be addressed/reprogrammed or released, then to me, that ultimately matters a lot more than any predictions about outcome. That is “going within” and has been what always makes me feel like I’m moving forward in my experience. :) It’s the same thing that happens in psychotherapy.

over 7 years ago

Natasha (interstellarrush)

Yes, and I feel like everyone I talk with that makes me look within are the ones that I really feel connected to. Truly, I may sound harsh, but going through this relationship rocky road and feeling hurt and disappointed by this person I feel that has been self-involved more than he shows that he take my feelings into his regard, I feel like I only care about myself: how to not be trapped in feeling bad, how to feel liberated, how I can be stronger in this situation. I don’t care if he’s coming back or not, I care about my happiness; I’d rather be happy on my own if it means I’d be alone forever and never going to live up to the soulmate dream with marriage full of love than being tied down to a relationship where I’m never going to feel truly happy with. It’s not at all because I’m mad at this person, but I just feel like it’s my portion of going thru self-growth procedure–– I’m sure he has his own portion too.

The different aspects, I feel like, don’t really mean different readings. Different outcomes based on their lenses, perhaps, but if I were to read on the insight they gave me and how it brings up things that never went to surface before, then it just completes the whole spectrum of the situation.

So yes, I think insights and advices are a lot more powerful than prediction. :) I’d like to hear about your experience on this, antivirgo!!! :))

over 7 years ago

ღ Psychic Medium George ღ (psychicmediumgeorge)

I love Doreen Virtue and she is real Angel Lady.Very positive person and not a scam.

over 7 years ago

Natasha (interstellarrush)

Oh! I didn’t know. Never checked it out either. I just recently saw an article in Quora written by this spiritual enthusiast that mentioned it. I’ll check it out, thanks for the clarification George!

over 7 years ago

Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Good one Natasha and yes so right.

We all work in different ways so its natural different readers can get different aspects of you and your situation. But rule of thumb is always try not to ask same questions to too many readers.

Everything in moderation. But yes some psychics / empaths can point out areas of your personality , or characters of others … and so on.

For me the bottom line is it is all about self empowerment at the end of the day. We are all striving to know self and be happy as we can … are we not :_) ?

Very good points you raise in your post here.

over 7 years ago


I do enjoy predictions, but to be very honest, they’ve always been hit or miss for me. Usually things unrelated to romance or relationships and things I’m not super emotional about tend to be predicted accurately (but even then, not 100% of the time). Meanwhile, for several years, I experienced dozens of psychics – including those who accurately predicted or intuited other aspects of my life – tell me that a guy who I believed was my “twin flame” was my destined partner…and that was never true. (I think that perhaps I needed to hold on to this delusion to make it through some other tough stuff, but I do wonder if I would’ve moved on faster if I hadn’t been so enthusiastic about getting psychic advice.) I can also remember specific predictions which have turned out to be true because they have been so rare.

So I like predictions, but a big lesson for me has been to not get too attached.

Meanwhile, anytime I’ve gained insight into an unresolved conflict from the past, interpersonal dynamic or a limiting belief in my subconscious, it’s been very powerful, to borrow your adjective.

I have a therapist, but I’ve sometimes found it easier to chat with advisors about things that make me feel deeply vulnerable or distressed because it feels safer, like there is a bit more distance. I’ve come to develop relationships with some advisors and form real therapeutic alliances. I have enjoyed and benefited from getting different takes on my questions. Though there is a point where it becomes too much, and harmful, I can’t deny that connecting with advisors has helped me on my path.

But lately it seems that the message for me has been to learn how to look within on my own. The thing that has been holding me back is crippling self-doubt, a result of being raised by emotionally immature parents who had no idea how to meet my unique emotional needs or help me to develop solid, grounded and unshakable positive self-regard (i.e. good self-esteem).

It took me a long time to consciously realize and then truly accept on an emotional, unconscious level that I’ll never be able to go back in time and fulfill the emotional needs of the little kid version of me who needed validation so much. Life doesn’t work that way. I can keep trying and trying to seek it from sources that on some level remind me of my parents (e.g. entities that have some sort of power over me, like authority figures, romantic partners), but any validation I get while employing that strategy will never be enough – it will never work the way I’ve been unconsciously hoping it would, it will never fill the hole created by not getting what I needed in the past – because that time has passed, and it will never come back.

It’s very common for us humans to try to resolve these types of unmet needs from the past in the present by (usually unconsciously) seeking out others who we believe can meet those needs or who somehow recapitulate the dynamics from the past (e.g. seeking out an emotionally immature and unavailable partner and hustling really hard to try to get them to love me the way my emotionally unavailable parents never could, which would make me feel validated). I have used psychics like this, too – as pseudo-parents, in my unconscious search for the “good mother” – but it certainly hasn’t been cheap to buy validation. And I’ve realized that no psychic can ultimately serve as the good, unconditionally loving mother I needed in the past but simply didn’t have.

So the only thing to do now is let the past go, lay it to rest for good, and get in touch with (and stay in touch with!) the timeless, mature part of me that doesn’t need any external validation. I know it’s inside here (taps chest). (This process has also involved forgiving my mother for not being who I needed her to be and accepting her for who she is. This has brought us both great peace.)

For as long as we continue to unconsciously play out and recreate unresolved conflicts from the past and try to fulfill unmet needs from childhood, we can never be truly free to choose another path in the present. This is why Jung said, “until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Anyway, Natasha, it sounds like lately you have been changing your mind with respect to what is acceptable to you in a relationship and regarding yourself in a more loving way, but you still want to maintain compassion. I understand this very much! What I’ve ultimately concluded is that it’s wonderful to have compassion, but that doesn’t mean allowing certain people close to me who cannot regard me with as much respect as I am capable of giving to others. You deserve to be happy and to be with someone who will contribute to a relationship with equal gusto and commitment, though he may express it in different ways than you would. You don’t have to feel guilty about choosing to love yourself more and put yourself first – it’s the right choice.

over 7 years ago

Natasha (interstellarrush)

Yes Dino, there’s a lot of advisors out there that I must say are gifted with psychic ability and I’m not saying one is worse than another, but some are just really terrifying at delivering news… haha. To be honest, when an unfavorable news is delivered, I don’t want to feel like I’m doomed. LOL. Maybe this works for some people, though! But personally, I do want to hear about how I can be better out of the doomsday, what lesson it’d bring me, etc etc. If it’s the reality, of course I’d want to know that, but eeeh… for example, instead of saying “you’re trash for him” I’d rather hear “he isn’t able to appreciate you, and there are others who would.” Yes, yes, I have a faint heart when it goes up to a certain extent.

over 7 years ago

Natasha (interstellarrush)

Yes I do enjoy predictions and it’s also a good parameter to understanding the situation more. Predictions from the advisors that I am able to connect with have usually been correct–– especially the major predictions. The trivial ones that are more feeble in nature may not come to pass (e.g.: “a woman is about to tell you a secret that may fascinate you” may not come to pass, and no, I’ve never actually been told this, but you get what I mean). I must say, though, it used to not come to pass three-four years back. I don’t know what changed, boy, it could even be as simple as having a sharper sense to pick my advisors now; or it could be because I’m facing some more major significant events than I did before.

We’re on the same boat, Antivirgo. I’ve been a very offbeat person and readers do pick-up a different vibration to me that explains how people misunderstand me a lot. I was born in a conventional Asian family where parents take everything to face value and children are expected to obey the parents without question. That said, being the strange one that I am, my parents didn’t know how to raise me and I grew up having a low self-esteem that led to suicidal thoughts, self-harm, recurring depression, and trust issue. Nobody would have known as I’m very energetic and very cheerful.

It also helps a LOT that some advisors have pointed out that I need to work on the insecurity. I’ve tried and I failed.

I then decided that it’s time for me to stop all these. It was scary to even decide to stop being insecure, I thought, what if I turn out to be a shitty person and still feel good about it? I didn’t want to be entitled, and I thought I was just being rational and realistic for thinking that I’m just a waste of space and unwanted. It was just over a month ago where I started seeing a psychotherapist instead of a psychologist and got treated with EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitizing and Reprocessing). The sessions were intense, and I found myself crying during, and exhausted afterwards. I must say, it works wonder. I can feel the impact as fast as the first session, and at this moment I’ve realized my own potential. If you’re still struggling with low self-esteem, I can really recommend EMDR. In fact, I think everyone can actually benefit from EMDR. Yes, it also comes back to the person, but it’s a lot like getting a very good personal trainer in the gym. :) I definitely still have a lot to work on though, the work doesn’t stop there–– but it’s a good start.

Yes, I totally get you by unconsciously trying to resolve your problems in the past. This is how I got into some toxic friendships, relationships… only because their validation mattered to me where it shouldn’t have.

It’s good to hear from you about this Antivirgo!!! Thank you so much for sharing!

over 7 years ago


Thank you for sharing your story, too, Natasha. I can relate more than you know!

You’re the second person I’ve met who said they had some intense and cathartic experiences with EMDR (but the first person I met thought she was totally fixed and cured and she definitely was not, though I don’t doubt that it helped a great deal. Interacting with her drained me very badly). I’d like to learn more about it. I will do some research!

over 7 years ago

LoveSizeMedium (lovesizemedium)

I am online ready to help

over 7 years ago

Natasha (interstellarrush)

Let me know later if you decide to try it. It works wonder to me, I fixed my self-esteem in two sessions :) Yup, very cathartic!!! I personally get into my reflective mode when I got done with it. It works well for PTSDs and things that has happened in the past, for something that you’re currently struggling with might take more time. :)

over 7 years ago