Antoinette (netta2147)
I keep seeing the name steven all over my TV , on commercials , TV shows, etc And even when I’m in public. What does that mean ? That name keeps popping up everywhere.
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Love, Light & Blessings.
meerkat (meerkat)
I think it means signs to a reunion
Antoinette (netta2147)
But we are already together and I’m with a person name steven
Pauline (libra_xoxo)
From experience I really think it’s your subconcious mind. you’re thinking of that person a lot and expect to see his name everywhere. Just like the Bible states: Seek and you will find (:
Antoinette (netta2147)
I try not to though but I appreciate everyone’s opinion
Pauline (libra_xoxo)
It’s done subconsciously, you aren’t aware of it that you’re doing it (: keep your mind distracted and you won’t see it anymore.
Pauline (libra_xoxo)
You can always ask Gina lol
Yvonne O (yvonne.o)
In my experience when synchronicity happens it means that you are on the right path. It’s the universe showing you. It shows you are “in tune” and connected. I feel it’s a good thing.
Antoinette (netta2147)
So it pretty much means I’m meant to be with the person im with ? Thanks so much Yvonne xx