MorenaChica (morenachica)

I wanted to get input from advisors out there about predictions/timeframes. Just recently predictions are starting to manifest from a reading that I had back in Nov. 2010 and honestly I had forgot about the reading until something told me to have a look at the notes from that reading and I was a bit stunned to see that things are happening as the advisor has said with accurate names, descriptions etc.. which in all honesty is the first time that a prediction has started to manifest in such accurate detail.. I then remembered that the advisor told me that she didnt like to give timeframes as spirit time is different from ours and when she gets a number it can be anything from days, weeks, hours, a date or month etc.. and the number she gave me falls right in place with things starting to manifest.. after reading up a bit on timeframes I came across a article about this stating that it’s often hard to give an exact date or timeframe because spirit time is different from our time and that a good advisor should tell a client this unless they are very sure. Also the article stated that sometimes predictions doesn’t happen often if you have too many readings which can cause confusion and worry which can throw things off etc.. What I’ve learned from all of this is that having too many readings from different advisors isn’t a good thing as it does causes confusion as it had done with me. Also focusing on timeframes isn’t a good thing, I literally had forgot about that reading because the number was interpreted differently and I had written it off and forgot about it until things started to manifest and something told me to go back to that reading with that advisor. I was too focused on timeframes and this has been a healing process for me and I’ve learned a lot over the past months.. If I can give any advice to any client is that don’t focus too much on the timeframe and also to stay positve and upbeat.. I’m convinced that after I started to be more positive and believe that things would happen this prediction started to manifest.. It has been a long road for myself but I have learned a lot and also running to different advisors/psychics isn’t a good thing and can turn into a dependency and an addiction. I’ve not had anymore readings and have no plans of having another reading no time soon..

over 12 years ago

Debbie (angel90)

Very well put and I have like you just have posted that same advice as I have seen firsthand the damage that can happen if people do the opposite of what you have said. I did 4 tea leaf readings for myself recently just to figure stuff out and so far 2 of those things have happened and yes I forgot about the readings as people are meant to get on with life. The only time a person should act quickly and think about what their told is when they are warned about something that will have a bad outcome it’s their chance to change that with the right course of action. Apart from that people should just get on with life and it’s good you did that and that your seeing results of a previous reading. And you learnt something that most are still to learn.

over 12 years ago

MorenaChica (morenachica)

Yes Debbie if this post has helped anyone I’m glad that it did and I just wished I had seen a post like this myself a few months ago.. you definitely have to go on with life and not sit around and wait on that particular date etc and to stay positive and upbeat, it’ll manifest I’m convinced the moment I did this things started to happen for me and like you said a lesson very well learned and it has definitely healed me..

over 12 years ago

*Liv* (oleangel3)

Thank you Chica for posting this! I was just having a conversation about the exact same thing with my advisor. I am now trying to just let things happen as they will and not focus so much on the ‘when’.

over 12 years ago

MorenaChica (morenachica)

Liv(oleangel3) I’m glad that I could help :) yes try and let things happen and not get caught up on focusing on the “when” like I was just know that it will happen and have faith and patience.. I know it has been a healing process for myself and a lesson well learned.. running to different advisors about the same thing doesn’t nothing but confuse the situation and maybe even delay things but have that faith and belief and know that it will happen the moment I really started to believe and have faith things started to manifest for me and will continue to unfold.. it’s a good feeling and like I said I had forgot all about this previous reading and something told me to go back and read the notes and I don’t believe in coincidences all things happen for a reason.. stay positve and upbeat :)

over 12 years ago

Missrae (msrae)

Wow !! I have been having a lot of readings done and I’m certainly going to take your advice to stop! Thank youuuuu!!

over 7 years ago

Starr34 (chernandez34)

Same exact thing happened to me, I was so hurt and heartbroken about a separation so I started getting readings from different advisors from here and another website, and none of the predictions would come to pass so I stopped getting readings and everything I was told is now coming to pass, after so many months of pain. To me at the time as much as I wanted to believe what they told me it felt impossible because he was so distant, and timeframes would come and go and nothing happened. So what I did is I stopped getting readings and started a healing process, I started praying and meditating and moving on. Then all of a sudden everything i was told started to unfold so I went through all my readings and some of my predictions came to pass after a year and some at 9 months, just when I decided to move on and begin a healing process, but yes it took a while for everything to unfold.

over 7 years ago

meerkat (meerkat)

I too will no longer be getting readings anymore. it is either great news or bad news, nothing in between. I once went to a psychic years ago whom made predictions that were scary dead on. I am now beginning to think they are far a few out there. As for healing, who even knows what that really means? does it mean knowing you will not get happiness and accept it? a bitter pill to swallow for sure, but if it is not in my cards I will have to make due, just no longer going to spend my money being another joke.

over 7 years ago

Starr34 (chernandez34)

Why so negative meerkat? Healing as freeing yourself from anger, sadness,frustration , betrayal, etc. and having control of your own emotions and not depending on someone else to make you feel whole and happy. : )

over 7 years ago

marva.lee (sunn10020)

Hello, I can help you right away , and you are doing right to work on you and everything will come in when the spirit think it right and I cna go further when hire . I see a lot a around you in the weeks and months ahead and going into the new year . I will give you clear honest insight and give you the truth on what is ahead . Try my specials , I know I can help you and give you accurate details through spirit . changes come in for a session now . Blessings

over 7 years ago

Sha (hopefulsha)

I really needed to see this as well!!!

over 7 years ago

Miss Mandy (psychicadvisormandy)

call me today I will answer all your question today

over 7 years ago

meerkat (meerkat)

star34- not being negative just now understanding that what I was told (by many readers) will never come to pass. and as for depending on someone else to make me happy? if you are alone like I am, one can only depend on themselves to be …..what? Happy? who in the hell is happy? I don’t know what that feeling is so if you are “happy” good for you, but please do not judge us whom have no options

over 7 years ago


This is a 5 year old post …But still glad I saw it

over 7 years ago

Inner Voice (angelicmadhur)






over 7 years ago

ღ Psychic Medium George ღ (psychicmediumgeorge)

Hi,I would like to pass on you the messages from your angels.They are here for you to support you in any situation.Join me for the chat now.G.

over 7 years ago

Rebo (rebo)

Nice feedback angelic

over 7 years ago

Kitty pink (kittypink)

You see this it makes it more confuse still..jjejje

over 7 years ago