
Seems I never will have clarity into why he treated me the way he did to lead to the point where I am now. All I know is I am tired of him in and out my life. I just demanded he doesn’t call or text no more. He won’t take responsibility for his actions or behavior which makes me believe is that of a narristic. He blames everyone for his problems . I know he has commitment issues and I don’t have all the answers to this man now, I just want this door closed so I can be free and work on trusting again so I don’t miss the boat on the next available man that could be good. IDC about what we could be and what we are. I want him gone permanently out my life. Plain and simple.

over 7 years ago

marva.lee (sunn10020)

Hello, I can help you right away and give you full accurate insight on this person and much more It a lot I see around him and come in for a reading , I know I can clear up a lot of things where you need to know I read around the spirit of the person and give you the truth . Blessing s

over 7 years ago


Marva I want the door closed. Closure so I can forgive this man. Reopen my heart for love again because right now I trust noone.

over 7 years ago

Javi (javi85)

Well the first thing you could do is not mentioning him again. The longer he is on your mind constantly the long it will take for you to heal and forgive him.

over 7 years ago

ღ Psychic Medium George ღ (psychicmediumgeorge)

Hello there,I would like to help you in your situation,you can chat with me now.Love and Light.George

over 7 years ago


Javi I got a remedy for this emotional vampire or narrastic. Yes, I said it. Its these hurtful memories. The door is closed. I forcefully did that today. He’s whipped or going loco. There’s an end to this mhm. I don’t want to go to my dark side- trying to stay in the light away from his negativity. I know he’s feeding off of me. He enjoys my contact because he wants attention like a baby. Selfish ass baby. I am trying to be good, and loving light but I know what happens when you do wrong. It back fires that’s what karma does. Its crazy what he is doing, but I am distracted right now. I will gladly make a trip to New Orleans not far from where my roots are. I have warned him.

over 7 years ago


Javi I am trying to be good

over 7 years ago

Javi (javi85)

You might have ‘closed the door’ but you still need to heal and forgive. By holding anger in your heart and soul you are preventing real love from entering your life. When you do forgive him you will be able to move on with your life.

over 7 years ago

Javi (javi85)

Avoid any contact with him until you have truly moved on. I can tell his energy and presence angers and disturbs you.

over 7 years ago


Ik it was him a couple of nights being this dog. Its his ego. That cocky narrastic laugh. Sigh. Yes he bothers me. Dearly. Not jaded or bitter, but tired. Very tired. Yes I agree no contact. Same on his end. Why I forcefully closed the door today. I will get closure tonight while writing this letter and burning it. Burn some sage and mediate. He has a very cocky laugh- I wish him well. Karma will take care of him it always does.

over 7 years ago

Javi (javi85)

Just stop mentioning him. He does not deserve your pity or hate. Destiny and God will make him pay. Just focus on yourself.

over 7 years ago

shh (shh)

If you can’t forgive, forget.

over 7 years ago


Shh I will never forget and I forgave

over 7 years ago

Angel of Lights (angel_of_lights)

Narcissists are the hardest culprits to get rid of. They are professional bait people. I don’t believe it’s something you can do on your own nor should you try. I have some websites that will ‘educate’ you on your situation. You’re right, until you clean him out, you’ll never be free to open your heart. The education takes time because it has to do with how you got caught in the first place but going through these sights will also give you insight in to yourself. When you’re ready for change, I’m here for you! Sunshine and rainbows

over 7 years ago


Angel of lights I know how… He told me about money. All narrastics say they have big money. Not to say that’s what I was after when I met him. No, but everything he said was a lie. I know his dad couldn’t give him love. He is troubled. Thanks for the information.

over 7 years ago


Angel please share the website. He was a strong one now, but I survived.

over 7 years ago


Sick of narrastics!

over 7 years ago