Lindsay Tobin (believer62982)

I’m so confused lately about a guy in my life. I’m not sure if he sees me as and wants me only as a friend, or if he is telling the truth to me when he says that he is open to possibly having more but that he wants to take things slow. This has been driving me nuts lately because I’m just not sure what to think and if I should keep waiting for this guy and “getting to know him” or if I should move on. He was the one that became “interested” in me at first, but as soon as I became interested in him, he started doing the “hot and cold” thing. With him acting like this, I know he def likes me and has a good time with me, but I just don’t know if he sees me as only a good friend or if he really is open to more….

I’m so lost :(

over 9 years ago

Sophea (rravenmoon)

I would be happy to look into this for you. I did draw a card about this situation and would be glad to help you in a private chat.

over 9 years ago

Spiritual Psychic (soporia)

hi, I would happily look in to this for you! contact me for a reading and the truth of your situation and your future

over 9 years ago

Psychic Luna (psychluna)

id be happy too clear up the confusion for you please contact me for a strong reading

over 9 years ago

∞ εby ❤️ (the_knower)

I’m on chat, if you wanna reach me there =)

over 9 years ago

Jacqueline Sable (sable)

He want’s to maintain a friendship with the option of more should no one else come along. I am sorry to put it so bluntly but that is what I am picking up.

over 9 years ago

anastayshia (anastayshia)

hi, I have read up on your story and its not easy to date a guy with hot and cold feelings. but what I can tell you is this. that hes playing the hard to get game on you.he does like you a lot but he likes to play games at the same time so you wont go over his head, its to rap you around his finger. so hes incontrol at all times. he will take it slow because he was never in a relationship.he never wanted to be in one. so hes taking his time to see were it leads to so you can can go with the flow or move on you make the choice, but I see it going forward.

over 9 years ago

Willow angel (angelwillow)

be glad to help if you want to give my chat a ring :)

over 9 years ago