Monique Soria (moniquesoria)

My boyfriend and I have been trying for a baby over a year now and no luck. Will we ever get pregnant?

over 9 years ago

Jacqueline Sable (sable)


over 9 years ago

Miss Toria (misstoria)

If you want the answer, please contact me with birthdays. Many blessings

over 9 years ago

Psychic Shirley (psychicshirley)

i see a miscaiage or abortion, but i do see children for you call me :)

over 9 years ago

GodsMessenger (spiritualjade)

You can have what you are looking for, but the thing is that there needs to be a shift in your current situation in order for the result to be as quick and as pleasant as you are hoping. :)

you need to prepare because its likely it will catch you off gaurd (when you are planning, it wont- when you are not it will—)

so when you get the time, i would like to help you.

over 9 years ago

EstherLibra (estherlibra)

Dear Monquie,

I would like to take a different approach with you. Telling you a little story. Have you ever noticed quite often when people give up trying to have a baby – stressing about it, it then just seems to happen? This story is from a local doctor. The womb is like a flower waiting for the bees to come and do their part in the story. When Stressed!!! the flower is clapped shut and therefore the bees cannot pollinate the flower. So I am not asking you to have a reading with me on this subject. So if for some reason your relationship is stressed between you and your boyfriend what will also interfer with you getting pregant.

Instead I would like to give you a free gift.

All the best ESTHER

over 9 years ago

Psychic Luna (psychluna)

i feel like you are meant for children but its not gonna be on your time

over 9 years ago

Holly Johnson (hollys123)

hello contact me or a love reading to answer this for you

over 9 years ago