Jay Tanenbaum (jjames1592)

I know the answer to this question is really within me but how do I get said answer. During Meditation yesterday, I had a vision of myself and the lady I love, holding hands on the beach. She is currently at the beach on vacation. Is this more of wishful thinking or is there a way to find out if it is the potential future with us?

over 9 years ago

Holly Johnson (hollys123)

hello i feel something here very strong contact me for a reading just need your dob

over 9 years ago

Advisor Destiny Lee (psychiclee)

their is definet potencail.. and I see their is going to be more signs and answers to show u she is coming your way … come chat with me and I will tell u what they are! and when to expect them.

I hope to hear from you soon!

ty & gb :)

over 9 years ago

BORN GIFTED TRUE PSYCHIC AN... (psychicmisslee)

contact me for the truth to your future ty

over 9 years ago