Carla Curlee (gypsyfortune4you)

What and who we’re currently being is reflected back at us at all times. The things that happen, the people and experiences we encounter every day are a REFLECTION, a MIRRORING of how we ‘see’ our selves and of our inner beliefs about other people and the world in general. Our reality is merely a reflection of what is going on INSIDE of us. The situations we find ourselves in are the reflections of our own personal inner self beliefs. We usually blame the reflections but, the truth is that those reflections wouldn’t exist if they didn’t have the initial source to reflect. Think of it as placing a pile of dirt in front of a mirror and then getting mad at the mirror because it’s not reflecting a mound of gold. If you want the reflection of a car, you’ve got to put the car in front of the mirror first. If someone’s stuck in a position of lack, painfully aware that they have little food and a constant barrage of letters and calls from creditors, they must change the initial image that they’re providing the mirror of reality with in order to change what it’s reflecting. If someone believes that most people cant be trusted, that they will never find that true love to last a life time because that’s only in fairy tales, etc. etc. then the mirror will reflect that through their experiences. The majority of humans on planet Earth aren’t aware that the problems we find ourselves facing were actually triggered by our OWN SELVES in the first place. We then use the results we’ve created to continue the cycle of limited belief and also then, LIMITED REALITY/EXPERIENCE. Most of the time we explicitly focus on some outer physical action and conclude that it alone is to blame for a particularly painful experience. It could be that a partner cheats on us or perhaps we lose money on a business deal. We see life as happening TO us and the outer events or people or circumstances as the blame/reason. First in line is how we see our self. Life is the MIRROR. And in that mirror events and circumstances follow/are reflected. Our life then, shows up according to what we believe about our self/life deep down inside. What we dwell on and focus on shapes ‘how’ our lives show up and look. If you believe that bad things always happen to you, they will. If you believe that people are essentially selfish and rude, that’s how they’ll be when you come into contact with them. Your senses will be dulled to everyone else and you’ll only take notice of and connect with the ones you’re focused on. We form the initial belief, and then when that belief leads to an encounter with someone who reflects that belief, we only see the person as the reason/responsible one. We don’t realise that our belief was the catalyst. So, if our belief is that people are stupid, rude, selfish etc., then we will have experiences in our daily lives that validate that belief. Negative beliefs “add up” so that our lives are effected indirectly. For example, if you believe that most people are shallow and selfish, you might also form a connected belief that people can’t be trusted. Attached to this belief may be the belief that because people can’t be trusted, you’ll never be able to truly fall in love. Connected to this belief might be the belief that you’ll always be alone. These beliefs add up to form a persona, an inner “being”. In this case, the persona formed would be a lonely being who didn’t trust people and expected them to behave in a certain way. We end up setting ourselves up for failure because of our own inner beliefs. The good news is beliefs are JUST BELIEFS. They are not necessarily TRUTH. Beliefs can be changed and you dont have to wait for the outer experiences to convince you to change beliefs. You can CHOOSE the beliefs you want to have and work toward creating them inside of yourself. Changing beliefs has to do with becoming aware. Self awareness, Self belief. If you want to see and experience good in the world, you’ve got to first see the good in yourself. If you want to change your experience of life, you’ve first got to change who you are, what you believe to be true about yourself. When you see life as a mirror, as a reflection of what you believe and think inside of yourself it can become very interesting. We can then take a closer look at what we see and begin to think about changes we can make in our inner view of the world so that we can then change the reflection of our own self as shown by our experiences every day. How the world looks to us externally gives us the clues we need for examining our inner self/beliefs. Becoming aware of those beliefs however limiting they may be gives us the power to begin to change them. Changing them literally will change the life you experience every day!

over 10 years ago