Chakra Breeze (chakra.breeze)

The moon in Libra brings forth a wonderful time for making new friends, being sociable and attending celebrations.

So start planning that impromptu lunch with friends, a romantic evening or even a spur of the moment business meeting.

Keep in mind at business meetings, that it is not a particularly good time for decision making with the moon in Libra. This is simply because people are a bit wishy washy in their thinking and are hesitant to make any permanent decisions.

However, it is still a good time for discussions that bring forth new ideas and plans that can be implemented in the near future.

Make some new connections in all areas of life -- romance, friendship, partnerships.

Show some appreciation to the people who matter, the people who help you by their actions, their ideas or just their presence in your life.

The card I drew for today is the 9 of Swords. Considering that the moon is in Libra, this card is telling you to stop worrying, stop feeling bad over past mistakes, stop allowing the negative mind chatter to rule your world.

Today is the day to be good to yourself. Do something enjoyable with others.

Be a blessing to yourself and those around you.

Check out my $10 special if you need guidance today.

over 10 years ago