Rebecca Hetherington (rebel72)

Everyone is curious about the tarot, and how you know? Well having been doing this for 25 years I can tell you the tarot is just a tool. You either know or you don’t and if you do know and it doesn’t feel right it isn’t right. Even when its for yourself…Now that’s a mouthful I realize but if you can wrap your head around those small statements you can wrap your head around the tarot.

I was sitting today quietly, because I knew it was my time to write a blog article but nothing…and I do mean nothing was coming to me. Having some challenges in my own personal life at the moment they were consuming me to the very core. So I went into Spirit and I asked with my cards. If there was an article I could write that would best give D some comfort and answers plus reach the general public what would it be.

I drew a reversed Ace of Pentacles from my deck. So today we are going to talk about the Ace of Pentacles in reverse. When amateurs see the Ace of pentacles or coins as some choose to call it they automatically assume , wow I am getting money. This is rarely the case. The reversed ace of coins by its very book definition is “The seed of luxury, debauchery, and physical gratification. The seductions of the material world draw you away from an opportunity for stability and comfort. The need to focus on the practical and understand the dynamics of your environment. May represent a gift, document, inheritance, or physical event”

When I look at the card visually I see an outstretched hand struggling to hold onto a coin. It talks of luxury, debauchery , and physical gratification, these are things that draw us away from priorities and what is of true value in life always. But as humans we sometimes struggle to hold onto all of these things causing us to lose money time and positive energy. The prettiest house in the world won’t bring back a mate who truly loves you. The best sex you have ever experienced won’t replace someone who holds you when your ill. A small white lie, will eventually turn into something that damages or implodes your world…always taking away time money and positive energy and usually the one you love. Hence forth the reversed ace of coins warns you, to strive to be better than mos.t and to prioritize in the strictest of ways.

Now lets examine the next part, it speaks of a need to focus on the practical and understand the dynamics of your environment. Everyone favorite subject is love. So lets use a prime example… A reversed ace of coins warns us to be practical. Many of us are separated from the men and women we love, some by semesters abroad, some by deployment, some by choice, some by incarceration. A favorite question I get on a daily basis is how does he feel about me. Well many times the answer is truly right now he doesn’t. All of the above examples , if you examine in a practical sense except the by choice example dictates something heavier will be on your loved ones mind. That does not mean they do not love you or don’t want you . It simply means its not in the realm of their practical environment right now. So the next practical question you have to ask yourself when receiving this card is why are you asking this question, what in you is causing you to believe they don’t love you. Not only does it warn you to understand the practical needs of your environment but it asks you to understand the practical needs of your partners environment also.

Last but not least, it may represent a gift document or physical event. Well that can be just about anything from a letter to winning some cash. However 25 years of observatory experience has taught me, if you don’t pay attention to the warnings you won’t receive the gifts of this card.

That concludes are blog for today

Hope this reached where it needed to

Love Light and Laughter

Becca aka “rebel72”

over 10 years ago