Autumn Miranda's Insights (autumn)

As Easter approaches I have found myself looking at how this year is going and wondering where I want it to go from here. Spring and Easter for me have always represented a time of new beginnings, a time of reaching forward, growth and renewal. This year is no different, but growth can be painful, it can be slow moving, it can be at times frustrating because our human nature is to want to see progress “NOW” with little patience for the growing time.

My guides have shown me over and over that patience is not a virtue, it is a HABIT, a habit that takes practice to keep. So as Spring and Easter comes to us like a soft kiss on a gentle breeze lets remember to be patient, to be kind and to learn the lessons brought to us as they are needed. It isn’t easy but it IS worth it.

If you need help finding your path or just need help cultivating the habit of being patient my guides and I are here to help.

over 11 years ago