Heart 2 Heart with Elizabeth (earthangelelizabeth)

Fall is here but do not fall down in your life! This article is to show you how to GET the LOVE and MONEY you want in your life!

This is a time of great challenge for many people on earth all over the world. If you do not have what you want in your life, it is NOW TIME to CHANGE THIS SEASON and it can be easily done, by simply GIVING. Here are some tips to change your LOVE and MONEY paths this fall!

Give and Receive Love If you feel you DO NOT have LOVE in your life, if you feel you are not being LOVED enough, are you truly loving people and sending love out into the world? What are you doing every day and night to love your friends and family, your community, city, nation, and the world? Are you giving people your time, energy, efforts, and actions, to love them and enjoy them? Are you giving back to your community your good will, and charity? Are you doing at least one action to change your city or state for the betterment of humanity? Are you helping anyone in other countries? If you give your love, support, kindness, time, energy, volunteer work, charitable goods and services, and even simply LISTEN to someone and be there for them, you truly ARE GIVING LOVE. The MORE LOVE YOU GIVE outside of yourself, the more you will truly get back. More and more people will start loving you and come into your life to offer you LOVE. You will have a much higher chance of a potential partner coming into your life WHO IS LOVING. You will start to see people having care, concern, affection, and attention to offer, and give to you! People will be more kind to you! People will start to notice you! YOU WILL BEAM LOVE in vibrations, frequencies, energy, and your aura! People will see and feel your love and you will become a LOVE MAGNANT! Your neighbors, boss, co-workers, friends, and family will START to have a LIGHTER HEART for you and DESIRE to SHARE MUCH MORE life, LOVE, professional bonding, and connection with you! A great way to give LOVE is by donating your time as a volunteer. If you volunteer just ONE HOUR a month to a local soup kitchen, non-profit organization, charity, community, state, national, or global program, you will not only be giving your time, energy, efforts, actions, good will, charity of heart, and priceless generosity, you will be LOVING PEOPLE and GIVING THEM LOVE. You can truly give ONE HOUR A MONTH of your time. Instead of watching a TV show, movie, looking at your phone, tablet, or other media for ONE HOUR you can truly put yourself out there LOVING SOMEONE or a GROUP or a FAMILY once a month! YOU WILL GET THIS LOVE BACK TO YOU in the spider web of the planet’s people! As we are all connected and CYCLE just like the SEASONS, you can truly SEND AND GIVE these types of LOVE and IT WILL COME BACK TO YOU!

Give and Receive Money The more MONEY you give, the more you will receive. If you are generous with your money, people will be generous to give or gift you money! You will see MONEY MAGNANT TO YOU and MONEY PATHS and OPPURTUNITIES COME YOUR WAY! Here are some easy examples of how to GIVE MORE MONEY and GET MORE MONEY INTO YOUR LIFE: Be generous to people you seek to help you! Do not hold back when you want powerful help, insights, and predictions, or the world will hold back from you! I myself, depend on your generosity for my services! This is my career therefore this is how I live! Bitwine is a great community of experts! -Tip your waitress/ waiter/hair stylist, as much as you can truly afford. Their life depends on tips! Not only will they appreciate the HELP, they will give you loving energy, good thoughts, feelings, and vibrations. GIVING GENEROSITY IS GIVING LIFE, LITERALLY. And people will GIVE TO YOU GENEROUSLY BACK! - Give literally just ONE DOLLAR or what you can truly spare of a donation to a charity, church, and/or non-profit organization to starving, needy, suffering people. It really helps! THE GREAT HELP even the smallest or largest donation you give WILL COME BACK TO YOU! The life force help to end someone’s pain, suffering, starvation, basic needs, IS VERY POWERFUL GIVING. DO YOU SEE HOW POWERFULLY CONNECTED YOU TRULY ARE TO THE PEOPLE OF EARTH? WHAT YOU GIVE OUT WILL COME BACK TO YOU! Everyone is connected on Earth and connected to each other’s love and money. The more you LOVE people, the more PEOPLE will LOVE you in your life! And more loving people will come into your life! The more money you give to help other people on Earth, the more money you will have coming back to you via, job offers, gifts, and increased wealth in general and in areas of your life you already have money! This autumn, is a perfect time NOW to start GIVING. The people of earth NEED your LOVE and MONETARY HELP! You will receive back more love, life, money, happiness, health, well-being, peace, and TRUE JOY if you really CHANGE THIS FALL! TRULY be ONE with EARTH and the NEW SEASON and you will have the life you want! Be loving and generous!

Love and Blessings To You All, From the Depth of My Soul, Soul Reader Elizabeth

over 11 years ago