Brilliance in Sight (brilliance_in_sight)

Changing Seasons

Although I love the fun and busy energy of summer, my favourite season is almost upon us: the transition to Autumn when the colourful flags of summer wave on the blossoms still nodding in the garden, and the days are growing crisp, but still warm enough to hum with activity. Apples are ready to eat and ruby and bronze leaves catch the golden rays of sunset in lengthening evenings and I look forward to the beauty of fall.

Equinoxes occur twice per year in the spring (vernal equinox) and autumn (autumnal equinox) when the sun’s path crosses the equator and when the daylight and night-time are approximately equal when the Earth’s axis is neither tilted towards or away from the sun. (Since the summer solstice, the days have been growing shorter) Our Autumn Equinox occurs at 9:49am CDT September 22nd this year.

This balance of “light” strikes a symbolic and spiritual chord: Mabon is a solar festival in the Wicca Calendar and is a symbolic celebration of BALANCE and how the forces of lightness and darkness interplay within our lives in a balanced and harmonious way. In many cultures and spiritual contexts, fall is a time when we can reflect on how Ego faces the temptation of the chaotic underworld of fear and darkness yet can ultimately transcend instead into the “light” of purpose and love. Michaelmas, the Feast of the Archangel Michael celebrated around the time of the autumnal equinox, symbolizes the fight of the Archangel Michael against the forces of darkness and protector of “light”. In many traditions themes of light and dark remind us that there is no light without darkness and no spring without winter.

Traditionally, the fall and changing seasons are a time of celebrating the harvest when the fruits of summer are ready to give up their bounty. Fruits and vegetables planted in the spring and summer are ready to supply a rich reward and abundance. Some of our fall festivals like “Thanksgiving” honour this abundant time. In First People/Native American celebrations, the fall harvest celebrations reflect on the “West” direction in the medicine wheel which offers abundance but also reflection in our emotional lives about the lessening daylight and the need to go within for light and courage when some of the growing shadows are more imaginary than real.

Autumn is a powerful reminder that Nature itself doesn’t fight change or the change of seasons nor try to hold on to its pretty leaves. Time and the cycle of nature carries us to new places from light, to dark, to light again and growth is our positive companion.. each season and cycle comes in its own right timing and has gifts to share on the way. If we take a clue from Nature we can enter each season of our lives with grace and ease.

This is a time when special readings can be done to tap into your own personal “harvest” time and abundance to see what is sown in your life and how you can best reap it. Happy Equinox! Don’t forget the caramel apples!

Written by Brilliance in Sight

over 11 years ago