Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

What I’m here for is to help clients discover their true selves. I believe the heart needs healing before we can truly love someone else unconditionally. We’ve often been hurt by many relationships in our life. It’s only discovering that you don’t need to hold on to the past, or stayed attached to pain and suffering. You don’t need to hold on to fear and worry. You can free yourself of all of this if your are strong enough to step up to the plate and discover who truly you are. We all desire love, but at the moment are we all filled with unconditional love or conditional. If you truly want to find the real deal than you have some work to do on yourself, and start healing so the righ person can walk into your life. This is what I’m here for to help others learn to get through the obstacles in their lives and truly start living a joyful and happy life. Tears are precious and release us from the self made prisons we create to live in. Loving ourselves is probably the most important thing we can do for our lovers, friends, and family. We need to start cherishing who we are stopping the negative self talk, worries, anxiety, negative thoughts, and beliefs. We can be positive, strong, and confident allowing ourselves to be just that, our best selves. Giving up is never an option. Quitting is never and option. If you want to succeed in life you have to rise above the negative world that surrounds us. It’s not easy at first, but becomes easier as we go along getting out of our comfort zones, and start listening to our own inner compass.

over 11 years ago