Mysti Jade (mystikka)

Missed Opportunities by Mystikka

What you think of as ‘missed opportunities’ are simply opportunities to travel in a different direction.

If you got what you thought you wanted, you may not have wanted what you got once it became yours.

The only real success in life is happiness. When we are focused on getting, we can never have enough. First, we want a bigger house (or a better job), then we want a maid to clean the house (or different coworkers, better hours, or better pay), then we don’t like the maid we get (or the boss we get), and so on and so forth. Happiness does not come from superficial success, worldly status or achieving materialistic gain.

When you can be happy regardless of external circumstances, you are successful. If you define success by what other people think of you, then you are not thinking for yourself. People pleasing and approval seeking leads to a path of insecurity, no matter who you are, what you do, or how much of their approval you can temporarily muster up for the time being.

Peacefulness, true happiness (the kind that isn’t fleeting) and humble confidence are part of the same package.

The most wonderful moments are the ones where you spontaneously give something of great meaning and help to another person without expecting anything in return. When you give without thinking about ‘getting a blessing’ or ‘creating good karma’ and give ONLY for the OPPORTUNITY of BEING a blessing, you will become blessed beyond measure.

Mystikka Jade

over 11 years ago