Avalon Star (staravalon)

My sister and I are twin psychics. She is also on this site too, her name is Raven. We are in the works of having a reality show filmed about our lives as psychics. The Lifetime Network is interested. So the concept of the show is us helping woman in regards to love. We will help couples either break up or stay together, we will connect woman with thier soulmates and we will also help woman with thier love problems. Does this seem like a show you would watch? What are some other psychic ideas you would love to see on T.V?

over 12 years ago


Hi Avalon Star, Congrats on your show!! I dont know if you saw the show called “Long Island Medium”? Its a reality show about this woman physic Teresa from Long Island New York. It was a big hit on the east coast it was on TLC Network. It was about her day to day life as a physic medium how she did readings at her home and also did group sessions. It also showed the viewers how shes also a mom and a wife and how her gifts effect her family also. They made it look kinda funny how she always has spirits around her giving her messages to give to their loved ones. I would watch your show and i think it would be a good show following sister physics around who use their gifts to help people and as a woman its great to see that you and your sister can help and give us all alittle hope in the love department lol I wish you the best and keep us posted so we can look out for your show!! :) take care

over 12 years ago

Penny Clark (pennyclarkbabson)

As a psychic who has done some guest spots on some shows in teh past I would like to see a actually network with just psychic stuff. Like the intuative channel or something it could be called… with shows like morning meditations, shows like yours, the show medium and shows about haunting and thinsg of that nature.. it would be a great network

over 12 years ago

Psychic Readings & Holistic... (psychic_lauren_adviser)

I would like to see that, it would be interesting to watch!

over 12 years ago