John Atla - Psychic Empath (atlara)

Crystalscopes for December 2011

By John Atla

Crstyalscopes are based on the unique properties of various crystals and the insight each crystal has for you.

Aries: Aquamarine We all have problems in life, what Aquamarine asks of you is to solve your problems with compassion, patience and understanding. The goal here is to help your level of maturity grow on the emotional side of things. Aquamarine helps you use your emotions as a sign of strength if you allow it.

Taurus: Australian Agate You will have a month where your problems seem complex, such as dealing with a person who just doesn’t want to see things your way, no matter what you are showing them. Stand your ground yet remain calm. Do not let yourself get bullied. Time is on your side and this person is not who they seem, all will be revealed in time, but remember to stay calm.

Gemini: Azurite Azurite is a mental stone, many people meditate with it on their third eye. What Azurite is asking of you right now it to give it a task, to help you reach your goals. With Azurite as your partner, it is best to focus on what you want as if you have it already. Even if you think you are being rejected, don’t give it, because often what you will find is that Azurite has already mapped out a better outcome for you, you just have to trust it.

Cancer: Moonstone Moonstone is considered the most feminine of stones, many women use it to ask for favors. Men can use it too. Moonstone is tied to the ebb and flow of the moon. After the full moon, expect a time of expansion in your life. But don’t ignore your emotions, moonstone is very much tied to emotions and the role emotions play in your life, so when the good times come, express your happiness, don’t keep it within.

Leo: Citrine Want more money? Then this month is your chance. But to get it you have to let go of any attachments to negative feelings about money or wealth. So that sounds easy but it’s not if you happen to be under the financial gun. So try your best to let go for it is in your best interest to do so.

Virgo: Tiger Eye Calm communications and a calm mind are what is called for this month. Want to get ahead, then remain calm. Stress is what tightens the brain up, causes you to stop thinking and when you stop thinking, you can’t come up with anything good to say. So remain calm and let the words just flow.

over 12 years ago