Wise Spirit (wise.spirit)

One of my favorite quotes from Nobel Prize winner Herman Hesse is: Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go”.

How many of us can retrace all of our problems to one incident of our past. Have you given up on dreams and/or desires because of a fear you may relive the pains of your past? Fear will imobalize you if you let it. How often have you heard the term, “prepare for the worst, hope for the best”. Who came up with this self-defeating idea? I instead challenge you to “prepare for the best and hope for nothing less”.

How many of you are ready to let go of the personal baggage thats been weighing you down for way too long. Let go of the negative repeat feature thats been playing in your head. These things, these rules that you’ve created for yourself do NOT define you. So let it go!

Your life has not limits! Look your fear, your hesitation, your crutch, your past in the eye and release it. You are much better than this. Allow yourself a new beginning starting today. Exhale your yesterday & deeply Inhale your tomorrow.

Exhale: I release this negative behaviour thats been holding me back from living my life to its fullest. I rid myself of the toxic sludge that Ive allowed to build up in my Soul. I relinquish all of the self defeating behaviors that I’ve developed over the years.

Inhale: I enjoy all of the good intentions that my life has in store for me. I engage with positive people who surround me with the Love & Laughter that my Soul needs to thrive. I emerse myself in passion & purpose as I boldly strive to achieve my goals.

Repeat after me….”I accept, respect and will NEVER neglect the Beautiful, Wonderful, Loving person who looks back at me when I look in the mirror and when I have learned thse lessons, I will also see this in others.

Bright Blessings to you! Wise Spirit

over 12 years ago

Kethrine Douglas (douglas22)

Great… inspire post

I like it.

over 12 years ago