John Atla - Psychic Empath (atlara)

Sometimes, with crystals, people can take a good thing too far. Often when I recommend a crystals to someone, I will keep it small. Don’t spend more than a few dollars on a crystal. Keep the crystal pocket sized meaning you can keep it in your pocket and nobody will notice it is there. But sometimes people go too far and get many crystals or very large ones. This is where too much of a good thing can come into play.

Often times, when people come to me for a crystal reading, I will recommend more than one. And what is great is, this sparks an interest to know more about crystals. Then as people read about crystals they start to carry ten, then fifteen, and then thirty crystals with them at all times. In a short amount of time, they will experience a draining feeling or as if their head is of in the clouds all day long. These are common symptoms of crystal overload.

Crystal overload is what happens when you try to mix too many types of energies at the same time. Your system can’t take it and gets exhausted. This is why it is best to start out by going to someone who understands how each energy works with another, to help avoid those overload situations. What impacts how crystals interact are their structures, energy families and what is impacting you in life. A friend of yours may have 5 crystals and be just fine, where as if you use the same 5, you could feel drained.

Another thing to look out for is how you store your crystal. If you are not using your crystals, let them sleep. Meaning don’t spend too much time around them otherwise they will stay awake and continue to pump out their vibrations at a normal rate. A sleep rate is much lower. Give them a nice spot to rest. I have mine in a room with some dark corners for those crystals that like the dark and some other crystals with a nice window view but never in direct sunlight for more than an hour a day. When weather permits, open the windows and let the air move about them. This will keep your crystals in high spirits.

Some people sleep with many crystals around them. I would recommend a few at best. I have a grid for my bedroom that promotes a restful and peaceful environment. I don’t keep any under my pillow unless I have a specific goal in mind. Some crystals work best when you sleep, others can keep you from getting a good night sleep. So it is best to keep your crystals away from your bed. If you must keep them in your bedroom, try to keep them as far from the bed as possible.

Crystal overload is an important issue, it can slow down your ability to understand your crystals and use them to your best potential. Proper guidance in using crystals can help you. If you have questions, you can drop in for a chat and learn what works best for your own crystals.

over 12 years ago

Sophie Lovecraft (sunshower)

I totally love this. I love working with crystals, too, & I had to learn all this the hard way.

over 12 years ago

John Atla - Psychic Empath (atlara)

I am glad you liked it. I think everyone learns this lesson the hard way.

over 12 years ago