Angel of Lights (angel_of_lights)

Don’t just let life happen to you any more.

Aren’t you tired of that mindset?

What I mean by the first statement above is when people ask me: What is going to happen? Will I get married? Will he call me? Will I get this job? Does he love me? What’s coming up in my love life?


I’m afraid of readings because you might tell me something bad or that I’m going to die today.

You can always change direction. The final outcome is always within your hands.

Of course, whether you are going with the flow and drifting with the current of the time and circumstances or ready to make a change, neither one can be accurately ascertained in 5 minutes. 5 minutes is a testing period on which way you want to go. No wise man would make a decision in 5 minutes. You cannot do all the things wisdom demands.

If you need more money to pay for a consultation, then perhaps your reading should be on how you can make more money in general for everything! I really wouldn’t be concerned with any thing else.

When I hear people say I don’t have enough money, all I think is then why don’t you get a reading on how you can get more money?

Sadly, most people who don’t have enough money simply aren’t willing to have enough money. I don’t know of anyone who needs something equally as important as love or money say like a heart transplant for one example, that wouldn’t go to the ends of the earth to get the money to get it done. I’m not saying go work in McDonald’s if you have to because everybody can’t do that work but everybody does have work they are born to do or should be doing right now and when they don’t have enough money there is something they are not doing they should be doing. So contact me and find out.

On a practical level, look what the most powerful country in the world is doing to get oil. Your money is like oil in your daily life. It can open many doors and make many things happen.

With this attitude, life is easy. Now if you don’t succeed, at least you know you couldn’t but you had to try. The secret of life is: what is ‘it’ for you? What is ‘it’ for you in life that keeps you going – not just getting up in the morning – but going all day?

Notice I did NOT say “who”. If you get up every day for another human being then, that is not healthy. This is the undoing of so many. It has to come from you alone. It has to be something that you – alone – are uniquely qualified to pull off. If you were on a desert island, what would keep you going? No matter who we are, we were all born with this. It could take decades to find out what it is, but the moment you experience it, all the pain, I mean, all the pain in life goes away.

Are you ready? Are you ready to take control of your life? The only reason you need or want to know what is going to happen or how it’s going to happen is to follow-up by stepping in and taking control of your life. If it isn’t to your liking, only you can sweeten the pot. Don’t play the victim. You might succeed and that keeps you a loser. Instead, keep it moving. Roll through the tarot cards with me for suggestions and keep coming back until you get it right.

This is why I love readings. It gives me the knowledge to use my personal power to my full advantage. I want to know all the bad because I am ready to change it all to a good ‘this or that’.

If I don’t like a reading, I keep changing it by asking: How do I get this or that? How do I change this or that? How do I make this or that happen? What do I have to do to make this or that that happen?

This is the way of readings. This is the way I’ve been taught to look at readings.

You are not at the mercy of life. That is not what god intended. You can change your destiny.

OF course there are things you can not and should not change and then you must ask how to be at peace with this or that which can yield the most enlightening wisdom and where the cards really do the work I believe they are intended for.

One of the hardest readings I feel to follow is a ‘yes’ reading for something you want very badly. The difficulty is that you should not change a thing. In order not to change any thing or be affected, you have to know what you were doing in the first place. In order to be in total control of your life, you need to have been living authentically. This is the height of a spiritual existence. One that guarantees you blessings being rained down on you constantly from the Universe. It cannot be stopped by any mortal power.

In the process of learning how to live an authentic life you may lose some of the things you may have gotten but they will come back to you. Only this time you keep them, get them back in spades or never lose them again – however you want to look at it, it IS a blessing.

This is what I mean by peace and blessings.

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Zena Lillie Pearl

over 12 years ago