DancingVoice (dancingvoice)

LIFESCOPES – Week Ending 4th September Lifescopes provided by DancingVoice


Libra – Sept 23 – Oct 23 Last week saw good things coming your way and the focus this week is on making sure that you stay focused so that you can allow these good and positive changes to affect your life without putting you off balance. When there are many things happening all at once, you have a tendency to put some of them on the back burner where they can be easily forgotten and this making for a lost opportunity. Staying focused will allow you to look at all the new opportunities that have been presented to you so that you can take advantage of every last one of them. It’s a great week for more positive increase. Lucky numbers for this week; 9, 10, 11, 20 and 25

Scorpio – Oct 24 – Nov 22 Look after yourself. The focus this week is ensuring you are in good health and that in general you are feeling ok in yourself. There is a lot of change about to occur in your path that will need you to be strong and physically well, as this change, although positive, is going to see you needing to be on top form. It could be that there is an opportunity for you to do something new and exciting that needs to see you at your best, or it could be a new job for you that needs you to be physically git. Whatever happens will be good but just be sure you are not neglecting your health. Lucky numbers this week; 5, 18, 22, 29 and 30

Sagittarius – Nov 23 – Dec 21 The focus for you this week is not to resist change. Usually change is a good thing and becomes available to allow you step off of your path and head to a different outcome. When change presents itself to you offers you something you like the look of then do not always feel that it has to be too good to be true. This week it is not too good to be true it is perfect for you, and so start to believe that there are amazing things out there for you. Any changes you make this week will assure you have a new and exciting outlook available and new opportunities to be had due to this. Lucky numbers for this week; 8, 11, 13, 21 and 31

Capricorn – Dec 22 – Jan 20 The focus for you this week is on working on your compromise skills. We have seen in the past that you feel you need to be regimented and set in your ways and ideas and that you do not like to compromise many of your beliefs or ideas! But we see again this week that compromise is knocking on your door and wanting to make life easier for you. If you just allow yourself to compromise on a few issues you will see how much more clam your life will become. If you can set sail this week on a ship with others and not a one-man boat you will have a very rewarding week. Lucky numbers for this week; 9, 13, 18, 20 and 21

Aquarius – Jan 21 – Feb 19 The focus for you this week is being happy! It may seem a strange thing to say if you feel you are happy and not feeling any sadness at this time, but the path is showing here that you never allow yourself to totally revel in happiness, and now it is time to start doing just that. It is very easy to get caught up in other areas of your life and forget that you have the right to sometimes laugh and joke and just be happy. This week is a week to show others how happy you are. If you do feel that there are reasons to be sad, then work on these areas but show happiness in other areas of your life at the same time. Lucky numbers this week; 13, 14, 19, 30 and 31

Pisces – Feb 20 – Mar 20 Looking at things with a new pair of eyes is your focus this week. You have been trying to figure out how to create the changes you want to make in life and you have not seen how this is possible. Looking outside of the box and looking at different possibilities and at different angles will show you that there are some easy and fool proof ways to create the changes you are looking for. It is also a case of asking others to look for you. Nothing is suggesting you need to do this alone and so do not worry if you feel you need to ask others if they have any ideas as to how you can make things move a little for you. Lucky numbers for this week; 2, 9, 17, 28 and 32

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