Draven Grey (dravengrey)

June 13th, 2018 5:54 PM, EST thru July 9th, 10:31 PM, EST

On June 13th, Venus, the Planet of Love, will enter into the fire sign of Leo. For individuals born with Venus in Leo, this creates the fortitude of love that is established from the desire of loyalty and a need for being loved by those that they partner with. And individual with Venus in Leo loves to talk about those they are partnered with when they’re not around, because of how the heaviness from the emotions that they feel towards their partners weight on them. There is a sense of jealousy that is able to exist for individuals with Venus in Leo, especially if they see their partner talking to someone, and they weren’t privy to the conversation, even if it the conversation is totally platonic and harmless. This can allow for a stance of hypocrisy to exist, because of how individuals with Venus in Leo are outgoing and flirtatious, where for them, flirting doesn’t necessarily equate to a romantic interest. They will always be honest with their partners about flirting, but if their partners try to open up to them about flirtation that might have occurred, a quickly forming jealousy is able to occur, but won’t necessarily be conveyed, except through means of passive aggression. Individuals with Leo in Venus need to be with a partner that is totally devoted to them and someone that will show an open admiration towards them. Not being told enough that they are loved, not receiving compliments on a regular basis, and not expressing feelings towards them can create a quick insecurity, which is able to create a closed off stance, that can also devolve quickly into a stance of passive aggressiveness.

The primal instincts of the nature of Leo are heavily at work, which can create a position of needing intimacy, but without their ego being stoked, sexuality is able to be put aside, and they will move their interests elsewhere. Sex is meaningful to a Venus in Leo, so long as there is a strong element of love and deep mutual emotions that are felt. Their ego can often be mistaken for their feelings, which can create a hindrance, when it comes to how they have arguments, temper tantrums, and blowups. The more that they are cared for the stronger they emanate a capacity for expressing love. If their ego has been damaged, they are quick to forgive, but they are also slow to forget, until their ego is placed back up to the heights that they desire for it to be.

Venus in Leo creates a stance for going out and having fun, going on dates, attending parties, etc., where being at home can be boring and dull. Their lust for life and the enjoyment that they feel when having new experiences, especially with those that they love, and create a standing of openness to continually trying new experiences. Having a set date night is difficult for them, where although they would participate, they enjoy change occurring at the speed of light, so that they can visit new places, people, and have new experiences. Their need to be the center of attention is an attribute that has to be accepted by those that they are partnered with, because of the rifts that this can create. Commenting, after a party, how they were too loud, talkative, etc. only damages the ego, and allows them to lose their esteems, when it comes to being around others, which can create a desire for them finding new people to be around. Despite them having to be the life of the party, they also have no problem planning the party, and watching others have a good time. Individuals with Venus in Leo are typically excited to have children, want to start families, and want someone to share in their hopes and dreams for themselves. When they obtain a partner that they feel loves them unconditionally, they will be partnered with them for life, and will express a strong mutual position of love.

During the transit of Venus in Leo, this can give the ability for partners to understand each other through an emotional way that helps to build the ego. This is a good time for fixing issues, overcoming fights and arguments, and rectifying past positions, especially when forgiveness is understood in a mutual way. Slighting a romantic partner during this time can create explosive endings and can cause a lack of fortitude, when it comes to trying to further or advance a relationship. For anyone trying to achieve love during Venus in Leo, this requires a naturally flowing progression, which is not from passiveness, but rather comes from the positions of an organically developed initiative, that creates roads towards longevity. If an individual tries to force this path of love during this time, the Universe will fight back, and will place obstacles at every turn, but going with the flow, and allowing the connection to ebb and flow, is the best way to create this stronger initiative for building this romantic endeavor.

over 5 years ago

Draven Grey (dravengrey)

In the Tarot, Venus is represented by the Empress, which is the position of love, the nature of parenthood, and the openness to emotions that help to fortify the connections that are built. Leo is represented by the Strength card, which is the stance of fortitude that enables love to develop in a way that feels more primal. The woman holding the lion in the Strength card is indicative of the duality of masculine and feminine energies that balance in such a way that it allows a deeper understanding of empathy to be felt in a more instinctive than an intuitive way. Always remember to give praise, complement, and appreciate your romantic partner during this transit, because this will help to build a more solid foundation in your relationship.

over 5 years ago