Antonella Vivianne Ercolani (antouk1)

When you come in contact with BodyTalk, this is surely the first question on your mind along with What is BodyTalk? The answer to the first question is a resounding yes: BodyTalk can help a wide range of conditions, because it’s tailored to you. To give you an idea, some problems in which BodyTalk has had excellent results are: Arthritis, Back Pain, Sports Injuries, Sports Performance, Exams Performance, Emotional Disorders, Learning Disorders, Digestive Disorders, Endocrine Disorders, Chronic Fatigue, Headaches, Phobias, Pain, Stress, Allergies Your body has an Innate Wisdom that regulates it automatically, for instance, when you cut yourself your body automatically sends platelets to begin the healing. Sometimes the healing process can be slowed down or impaired because of stress, emotional, behavioural and environmental issues. With BodyTalk we can ask your body, your Innate Wisdom exactly what it needs to return to a state of balance. The questions that can be asked, and the corresponding techniques to correct imbalances are truly extensive and comprehensive. Questions and techniques span from Western medicine to Eastern Medicine, from the organs to the five elements, from which emotions need to be processed and eliminated to techniques for balancing your meridians, from repairs of parts of the brain to techniques to correct posture, behaviours and habits, and much more… In BodyTalk your body decides what it needs, in what order, and also if it needs any other therapies or modalities to help in its repairing process, without the need to rely on an external diagnosis. All this makes it really revolutionary and unique.

over 7 years ago