Tammy AKA Angel Wings 777 (angelwings777)

When you join me on my cloud, I’ll shuffle the cards and tell you the message you are meant to know. No questions required. No birthdays; just a name to keep it personal will do!

I asked myself, “HOW can I let others know what I’m capable of WITHOUT bragging about myself?” After all, I am just a messenger, the real gift comes from God. You know more what the message means than even I do sometimes!

So I’m simply going to put the title of the reading, and then do a sample reading using MYSELF for you to read. No one can test the waters better than one self; you can’t lie to your inner mind. I have truly loved these readings so much, I’m plum SURE you will feel much better after we have our session.

EACH OF THESE READINGS COME WITH 10 minutes for only $5.00! This way you can get further information, or better clarity after you’ve had time to let the information sink in.

Anyway, be sure to check back often and see what is being offered. These readings can be done for any type of situation, but my specialty and the messages provided, are most useful in the romance and love areas. ;)

I look forward to hearing from you!

Many Blessings!

Tammy (Angel Wings 777 ~ tarot reader)

over 7 years ago

Tammy AKA Angel Wings 777 (angelwings777)

BASIC RELATIONSHIP SPREAD This reading tells me what’s been going on in my relationship, advances towards where things seem to be at the moment and then signifies what the future looks like with the mate I am currently with.

Blessings to you Tammy!

In your relationship in the past, you’ve lived a little bit of a fantasy; things weren’t what you thought they were, and has resulted in a negative balance of your mind. Once you realized your mistake, you decided to be with the person you truly love and who shows you how they feel without leaving you hanging. You’re lucky to have a man who loves you as much as you do, which brings you to a bright future because of your decision. Everything seems to fall into place for you with your love life, and you should find your future a lot happier than when you first started this journey!


Many Blessings!

Angel Wings 777


Add 10 min. follow-up> $8.00

over 7 years ago

Tammy AKA Angel Wings 777 (angelwings777)


Cost: $7.00

Add 10 min. follow-up: $12.00

(The price with adding 10 minutes is your minutes, plus the e-mail reading together.)

Reading Sample:

Blessings to you Tammy!

Partnership Potential Reading

All you need to do to heal things between the two of you in situations is be tricky, or naughty. If this is done at the right time, and in the right place, things really take off. But talking so that things can get to this level is a problem. He is worried it would be a mistake to be naughty with you again. He would love to go with the flow of things if you embrace the good times ahead, but he worries as far as the friendship area, it would cause too many jealousies, which would need to be worked through. He knows he can trust you in fixing a way to get together, but also believes the attraction or lust is too much to keep things going. If you can make all of these things come together, and work through the hardships, what you can expect to get out of it is feelings things you’ve never felt before and being taken to new levels, but it doesn’t show at this point anything more than a sexual way.

Many Blessings,


(Angel Wings 777)

over 7 years ago

Tammy AKA Angel Wings 777 (angelwings777)

Thank You For Trusting In Me!

Make sure I am able to send you messages, because one person is selected, three times a day, that has spent money on services, to receive something for FREE!

~~> YOU COULD BE THE NEXT PERSON SELECTED TO RECEIVE a FREE service! Simply pay for a service and for an entire month, you are repeatedly given another chance!

over 7 years ago

Tammy AKA Angel Wings 777 (angelwings777)

Using myself as an example, I am going to show you what a reading with me is like.

After Introductions

angelwings777: What can I help you with?

You: Do I ever cross his mind, and if I do, what does he think about?

angelwings777: Let me see… (I am shuffling and having a look. Now I’m ready, so I click the start charging button. Once payment is made, I continue.)

angelwings 777: He does think about you. He knows he handled things the wrong way in the past with you. He knows how bad he wanted to be with you, and how hard it was to withdraw from the situation. He has felt the loss of not having you around. This has been hard, but he also thinks of other things too.

He thinks about how much he enjoyed the time he spent with you. You made him laugh a lot with your attitude. He knows you are the person with the real potential to make him happy. He feels a powerful attraction to the tenderness shared. This makes him think a lot about the commitments the two of you made; wishing he could fix things and make the situation better again. It looks like the month of December is/has been very strong for these feelings.

Does this make sense to you?

over 7 years ago

Tammy AKA Angel Wings 777 (angelwings777)

Happy Holidays!

I wanted to let you know I am here to assist you, starting in a 1/2 hour. I am willing to help you work out a payment arrangement that better suits you, as I would like to help everyone. (The lowest I will go is $1.00 per minute, and you must do a 10 minute session.)

Many Blessings,

Angel Wings 777

over 7 years ago