Prophetess Red Hawk a.k.a. ... (heaven_sent)

Hello my lovelies!!! It’s a brand new day, and hopefully today finds you in the highest of spirits, soaring through your cares, like the champions that you are, no? Really??? You’re still down in the dumps about something, can’t seem to pick yourself up out of that slump, someone’s grating your nerves and you don’t know what to do about it? Perhaps you need a vision check, a third-eye vision check? Let me look into your situations and prescribe what you need in order to see clearly through each and every one of your issues. Utilizing another person’s vision, while you may be too close to see the forest for the trees, as they say, can help guide you up and out of whatever has you floored. Just one session with me can set you on a course, that perhaps you never saw yourself on, because of everything clouding your spiritual vision. Remember they don’t call me Heaven Sent for nothing. ;-)

Heaven Sent

over 9 years ago

Prophetess Red Hawk a.k.a. ... (heaven_sent)

Dr. Red Hawk at your service.

over 9 years ago