Abbra (foryou)

Comparing Sun Signs does not determine compatibility. Defining the planetary connections is necessary for true love.

One of the greatest misconceptions concerning astrology is the comparison of Sun Signs in relation to finding the perfect mate. Nothing could be more misleading.

Comparing Sun Signs to determine compatibility can be likened to deciding whether one ethnic group will match with another. In short, it is not only ludicrous it is misleading. Aside from this, it does not work and is untrue.

The Sun Sign is the background of the personality. The Ascendant and or Rising Sign is the real person, the one who faces the outer world. It is also how a person appears to the outer world.

Chart Comparisons:

There are numerous factors to be considered to determine compatibility. The following are only a few:

1. Both Natal Charts must be erected using the correct and exact time of birth,

2. Planets of one party are placed in the other party’s Natal Chart,

3. Determining the Aspects made between the parties,

4. Locating a Mars Venus, trine, sextile, square, or conjunct Aspect.

The Marriage House:

Additionally, the astrologer must compare the Seventh House and the Planets contained therein. Next, each party’s planets are viewed in relation to that House insofar as one person bringing a planet to the other’s Seventh House.

The Seventh House deals with the marriage partner, or anything on a fifty-fifty basis such as a business partner.

Equally important is the Fifth House. This is the House of Speculation. It rules romance, children and entertainment.

Spiritual Ties:

A Mars/Venus Aspect shows the astrologer if there is a spiritual tie to each other.

For instance, in the Charts of males and females, astrologers note the position of the males’ Mars and the sign it occupies. The females’ Venus is located in her chart and the sign it occupies.

For example, if his Mars is in Scorpio and her Venus is in Scorpio, the couple has a Mars/Venus Conjunct. A Conjunct Aspect draws two people together swiftly andmakes for a strong attraction. This is good.

Uranian Attractions:

These are very swift attractions that draw two people together like a bolt of lightening. A relationship begins very quickly but as quick as it begins it fizzles and ends.

Same Sex Unions:

They are done in the same fashion whether it is male and male or female and female. The planets play the same role as they would for a male/female couple.

A Word of Caution:

This is a brief explanation as to only a few of the considerations a competent astrologer must note when doing a chart comparison. There are several other factors to take into account. An accurate work-up should contain at least 25 pages per person.

c 2006 All Material Contained

over 10 years ago