Soulmate Consultant (soulmateadviser)

One of the most important holidays celebrated by Christians is Easter. It is a holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ after the 3rd day of his crucifixion. The death of Jesus Christ by crucifixion is commemorated on Good Friday, always the Friday just before Easter. Through his death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for sin, thus purchasing for all who believe in him, eternal life in Christ Jesus.

Jesus promised to give us new life, a new beginning and eternal life by his rising from the dead. Saint Paul, in one of his writings, sums this all up very good when he tells us; if Christ did not rise from the dead, then our faith is vain and we are hopeless. But, Christ did rise from the dead and he first showed himself to Mary Magdalene. His second appearance was to 2 of his followers, (whom did not recognize him at first), his followers, and his mother Mary.

Christ’s resurrection shows us a new beginning and a new chance for all of us. By rising from the dead, Christ conquered our greatest fears and enemies and invites us to share the new life of his resurrection. Jesus overcame suffering, sin, death and he conquered Satan. So because Christ arose from the dead, we do not have to fear suffering, sin and death, because Christ, through his resurrection, gives us the power, hope and grace to overcome even our greatest enemy—the devil. He gives us the opportunity for a new beginning every day of our life if we put our trust in him.

In addition to Easter’s religious significance, it also has a commercial side, like the mounds of jelly beans, Easter eggs, bunnies, and marshmallow chicks found in local stores. This clouds the true meaning of Easter and focuses our attention to other things. So just try to remind yourself and others around you the real true meaning of Easter.

I wish all a blessed and joyful Easter with our risen savior. May we all open our lives to let the risen savior show us how to make a new beginning in our lives, and to turn around our lives, God bless.

over 10 years ago