Soulmate Psychic Love Reader (soulmatereader)

With spring time flowers, birds humming and warmer weather on it way, a blooming garden along comes positive new beginnings in your life.

We all know that when Lint (Ash Wed) starts, spring is almost here, some of us may fast, give up a certain food or something for 6 weeks in honor of Lint, this is a very spiritual time for Christians, but it’s not all about eliminating something in your life to feel spiritual, it is a time for renewal, just like Spring.

Now is a time to start off fresh and focus on the important things, thinking about negativities serves no purpose in creating a better future, as the laws of attraction says always focus on the positive and push away negativity.

Believe in yourself, surround yourself with positive energy and send it off to everyone around you.

The spiritual energy of seasons are in transition and Spring is in the air.

Yes we can all emerge from hibernation form the long winter weather forces. It is a time we need to start our spring fresh, getting rid of clutter, spring cleaning. Some of us are not ready for the spring / summer months.

We need to get motivated again, to do the things that we were putting off until “tomorrow”.

Start spring cleaning, start planting seeds and starters in the garden preparing for the summer, and for some of us (including me) want lose those few extra pounds that you may of gained during the long winter months, so starting a new healthy eating plan and exercise not only can make you look better and fit in your Spring/summer clothes better, feel better, younger and you will have a new positive lifestyle change and be healthy.

This Sunday April 20th 2014, Christians from around the world will gather together with loved ones celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, renewal and peace.

Easter Sunday became commercialized over the years, it’s not about the bunny’s, candy and Easter eggs, although we can all enjoy these things but let’s not forget what is the true meaning of this Holiday, Jesus died on the cross and paid for all of our sins, so we can live an everlasting life, he lives with us in our hearts, he is there when ever need him, and we give him the praise and honor he deserves. Let go of past negative energy, the resurrection joy lifts our spirit from loneliness and weakness to strengthen our energy, beauty and happiness.

Share this spiritual time to reflect on life, family and all of your blessings. May God bless you with a new beginning of greater prosperity, happiness and Peace.

over 10 years ago