Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

Traveling through the passages of time, you will one day find a reunion with your soul mate. When you meet a true soul mate, you understand there is nothing that can ever separate you, but always bring you closer together through out time.

Everything changes for the positive. True soul mates teach you to grow with every beating of your heart. Changing you from the inside out, you will never stay the same. Most often we meet soul mates along the way to teach us the lessons we need to learn in life. Most often we can find ourselves struggling through the emotions, feelings, obstacles, and feel the loss, and grief as we’ve lost those people from our lives. At that moment in time we may want to hang on forever, while in time, you understand that it was never meant to be forever. We truly never meet our true soul mate until we’ve matured. Really understanding the definition of love, joy, and bliss. It’s a lot of work to understand what real love is, and make the necessary changes in yourself to be the partner and soul mate your partner needs. True soul mates are here to make you happy, bring and add happiness to your life. Equally you give and take, both receiving something out of the relationship. It’s not about just “me”. It’s about both of you, becoming one flesh.

I know when I was younger and got married, I never understood what this meant truly. Now I do. I understand to become one with another person you really need to know your true self. You really need to know who you are, and what you want out of life. You really need to know how to set boundaries, and take care of yourself emotionally, spiritually, and physically. You also need to know how to be patient and understanding. Waiting is a big part of life, and never giving up on another person. Patience is really mandatory, and fortunately I’ve learned that God doesn’t answer to the last minute some times. Often you have to push yourself through the fears, the doubts, the emotions, and interference of other people.

When you have learned to understand yourself, and other people around you. You understand you are not really different, but one in the same where emotions, feelings, and the need to be loved and successful are concerned. True soul mates, drop the blame and take full responsibility for their part in each other lives. Understanding they do affect each other, as well as anyone that surrounds their lives. It’s amazing as I have learned that’s your music playing with another’s soul. Making a melody together. It’ is never painful in the manner of hurting each other, or trying to get back at another person. It is about dropping the blame game, and the dysfunctional ways of our society in relationships. Choosing life in your relationship instead of death. I remember how painful it was to learn how to strip away all the negativity from my life. Most people do choose death and the negative path of relationships. Controlling other people no matter how bad you want something, or disagree is not the answer. Freedom is a big deal in any relationship. That person was never meant to be who you desired them to be. They can never be molded into the person you’d like them to be. Allowing them to say what they feel is important. Even if they choose to leave for a period of time, you have to learn to let go. If it is meant to be, they will always come back to you. While you’re separated, this is the time to learn who you are, what you want out of life, and become a healthier person.

over 10 years ago