Nicole Bowman (readings_with_nicole)

Today I feel it necessary to write about relationships & when to let go.

Many of us may be questioning the feelings & intentions of your partner-what to expect, what to release, and what to hold onto.

Trust that if the person wants to be with us they will take the steps necessary to make that happen.

I recently saw a sign that read “the truth has no agenda.”

How TRUE that is!

When it is right, we know it & when it is not right we know it too=)

Understand that if we have to fight, argue, and stress over a consistent period of time that relationship is not conducive to our well being.

Sometimes the question is not “when is he/she going to call?

Sometimes the question is “does this relationship serve my best and highest good?”

Well, does it?

Speak the truth.

over 10 years ago