Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

Being courageous, you will see that you can get past all your fears. Never doubt your own heart, or soul. Love dwells in the depths of your soul. Look to angels for guidance, and help when you fear things the most.

Fear can capture your mind with fears, worries, anxiety, and the traveling mixed up confusion of the world. Learn to silence your mind. Learn to be at peace with yourself and the world around you.

When you’re afraid of the impossible, know there are always possibilities ahead. You deserve to feel love and be loved. You are loved every moment of the day by your angels and guides. You are love by the source, or God, Goddess.

Fear of not being loved, is an illusion. We seek out love on the outside of ourselves hoping to find it in another person or relationship. Truthfully we have to love ourselves inside, healing all the wounds of the past, and setting ourselves free.

Love is every where if we open our eyes, if we listen to it in the silence. We can feel it in certain places, and certain spaces. We can feel it any time. Seeking out love, you find it comes from accepting who you are in the sources eyes. In his image you were created beautifully. Perfect in the moment with all your imperfections.

Every day you are growing and learning to be in a better place. Learning to face all your fears, and in the many illusions of this world there are many illusions. Fear being one of them, perhaps the number one illusion that stops you from facing the issues inside.

We want to avoid pain and suffering from the past. We want to forget it, and never look back. We pile up our issues into heaping pile of garbage. We are to afraid to face the bad situations we have faced, and yet we are haunted by them in our mind. We believe what we’ve been told, we believe the things we’ve told ourselves. Are they true? This is your journey, to explore and seek and find the true answers to your own personal story.

No one can help you find those answers within yourself. You have to dig down deep and reflect on your story. Tragedies, triumphs, failures, and all the negative experiences have injured you like a fallen bird, and of course your wings are broken in many places.

Face the fears, heal the pain and suffering and set yourself free. Allow yourself to be free and fly again. Never accept another persons reality of who you are. Always as that question : Who Are You? Remember who you are in the Sources eyes.

You are the essence of love, divine love, the purest of souls, and when you decide to leave the negativity behind, you will be free at last to feel love, give love, and receive the purest embers of love’s fire. Leave the fear behind. Tread forward through the fears. Be reborn into a new creature. Transform into love and light. Have the heart of a courageous lion. Fear nothing, there is really nothing to be afraid of, but fear itself.

All rights reserved Hattiemattimaespiritweaver August 7, 2013

over 10 years ago