Psychic Jessica (mizjessica)

As we all know in a relationship we all have to have communication to even start a relationship. I always proffer to be friends even before having that relationship so you can get a change to know their dislikes and their likes. As soon you go into a relationship anything can change. It’s always best to start off as friends then go into best friends and then lovers. Marriage will come on the right timing. But a lot people do not think this. That’s why I was thinking of writing about me and my lover. When I and he met we didn’t turn into lovers just like that. We let time to get us where we were supposed to be. Getting to know each other. Is always the first step when it comes to relationships? Plus to have patients to know your rights and your wrongs. Trust the person you are with. If they want to lie allow them to. Make them look like a fool. When you find someone better. When you’re in a relationship please stay strong and optimism. Because things are not always going to go your way. But at least you know if its love it will remain as that. If something is bothering you. Let the other person know your feelings and emotions that you are having. You know your lover is not a mind reader. As well as that make wise decisions and to stay focus on the needs not the wants. Do not let jealously get droving into the relationship. If you are coincidence this relationship will work. It will. You will also find out that in a relationship there is so many responsibility’s that you have. Be courage on your wants. A man always like a woman that is independence and also takes care of herself. Making wise eating habits. Also loving her. Like they say if one doesn’t work there is another option that you have. Other ways to go. Being stuck to one is only going to get you depressed. I know in some relationships it’s all about sex. I always tell my clients you need a man that is more about the emotional. Unless you have good finances to be able to support a baby. You need to feel more sincerity. Making sure things are getting paid on time. So you will feel balance. Not on some delays. You will also feel like you have self-respect for you and others around you. Sometimes it’s always let things go to see if they are ever going to work or it’s meant to be. I always get people that doesn’t know how to forgive they say. But sometimes the best way of forgiving is forget about it. Because you nourish yourself by doing this. Also trust your insight. Do not allow disruption to get you down. You will get the movement that you would like. Also a loyal man. Stand strong with him. If you believe he is a keeper. That would be a wise to do so. This is going to be continue.

If this helps you understand things in a relationship please let me know!! Love and Light with many blessings!

over 11 years ago

Olivar Clay (oliverclay)

These tips are really helpful wonderful sharing!

over 10 years ago

Psychic Jessica (mizjessica)

Your welcome. I hope to have a part II soon in the future. This will go into like marriage. I give a little insight towards it right now. This will help you keep your lover. As well don’t allow him to cheat!

over 10 years ago