Chrisalis (chrisalis)

LEO You may be feeling like spreading your wings a bit this month and doing something adventurous. At various times during the month the Sun, Venus, Mars and Neptune will be in your area of adventure, travel, philosophy and fun! You might as well go and enjoy yourself because that doesn’t happen every day. For the first half of the month you may wish to keep an eye on miscommunications and what you perceive to be the truth and what others’ perceive to be the truth in a matter. Something like this could cause serious harm to your relationships and as Mercury, Venus and Neptune are involved you need to keep an eye on this. This also includes asking yourself some hard questions ie what is really going on, what is really involved and also should you wait to get the full facts before rushing into a confrontation. With all the energy coming from other planets this month you could well do worse then go out and have a bit of fun and adventure and leave the heavy stuff till later. Moon in Leo 23, 24 March Moon in Pisces 11, 12 March Get an expert reading “Chrisalis”: or “Melodie”: to see what is ahead for you this month.

VIRGO Relationships are paramount for you especially in the first half of this month where you have no less than 5 heavenly bodies giving your love life a boost… well at least giving it something! Mercury, one of the planets is retrograde so you need to be careful with how you conduct your communications and also that you are hearing what the other person is really saying. To add fuel to the fire Venus and Mars, planets of love and passion are also dancing around your relationship sector promising to make the first half of March an exciting time for you. Speaking of which, you may wish to be a bit careful the first few days as Venus and Neptune come into close contact which could cause a few unexpected discoveries. Towards the end of the month as the Sun, Venus and Mars all move into Aries it is a good time for you to perhaps not rush to any conclusions. There may be something “hidden” that you are not seeing… just give yourself a bit more time. Moon in Virgo 25, 26 March Get an expert reading with “Melodie”: or “Chrisalis”: to see what is ahead for you this month.

LIBRA While the first half of the month may be all about work for you the second half takes on a totally new perspective in the form of your love life. If you haven’t got a love life at the moment then now would be a good time to start putting a few “wishes” out to the Universe and see how these are answered. The full moon on the 27th which falls within your own sign can help you along with this as the moon shines her light strongly on you, as a person, and allows you to see what you may have missed in the past.. especially emotionally. Saturn’s placement in your area of security and stability should also be spurring you onto some deep thinking on what you need as a person to feel safe and also ways in which you can accomplish this. This month does promise to be one of the busier months for you both with work and romance so make sure you don’t go working so hard you forget to put the effort you need into your love life. Moon in Libra 27, 28, 29 March Moon in Pisces 11, 12 March Get an expert reading “Chrisalis”: or “Melodie”: to see what is ahead for you this month.

SCORPIO Saturn’s presence in your sign may have had you making a few rumbling noises of late but here’s some good news! For the first half of March the Sun, Venus and even Mercury will be making a pleasant trine to Saturn and giving you a lot of help with any planning you have to make. Now of course Saturn is retrograde throughout March (and also for several months to come) but this should only strengthen your resolve to tackle a particular problem with all the practicality you can muster and even Mercury’s retrograde, a position which most do not envy, will also give you a helping hand if you approach a problem in a practical way and don’t expect anything to change overnight. Around the 13th as Mars your co ruler enters Aries you may find that you have the energy and enthusiasm to tackle anything that comes your way… and also to push anything from your path that is going to stop you! Moon in Scorpio 2, 3, 30, 31 March Get an expert reading with “Melodie”: or “Chrisalis”: to see what is ahead for you this month.

over 11 years ago

Olivar Clay (oliverclay)

This is wonderful article on LEO TO SCORPIO detailed explanations are really good.

over 11 years ago