
January 2013 Horoscopes – Part 2 – Presented by “Chrisalis”: and “Melodie”:

LIBRA You may be feeling like staying a little closer to home than usual and it would not be a bad place to be around the 17th and 18th as the Moon, Venus and Pluto intensify any emotions that have been playing out for you lately with family and home life. Keep a clear head about you and don’t get drawn into any situations that are too intense for you to handle. There is help coming in the form of Mercury entering your area of fun and romance around the 20th where it joins Mars in giving you a boost to your creative pursuits and may find you with many invitations to answer where great conversation, lots of energy and excitement around. Have a great time and don’t get into too much trouble. Moon in Libra 4, 5, 6

SCORPIO Communication seems to be high on your list of priorities in Janaury with new insights and thought processes lending you a helping hand in getting your views across. Keep and eye out for what may pop into your email inbox, letterbox and phone calls, etc as you may be given a lead or answer in something you have been waiting for. Around mid month when Venus and Pluto come into conjunction there is the strong possibility of serious talk taking place to do with your love life. Be ready for it as I’m sure you’ll have a lot to contribute. Around the 21st as the moon is in your relationship area and the Sun and Mercury both enter your home and family sectors would be a good time for you to make plans to stay in and spend more time with those closest to you. Moon in Scorpio 6, 7, 8

SAGITTARIUS Did you make any new year’s wishes on planning for your own security and getting finances in order. Because if not, you may wish to take a second look at this in January where you have some great opportunities to set yourself up with some long term goals that will steer you in the right direction to achieving just that… security and financial stability. Take your time with it though and try to filter out all the thoughts running around your mind this month as Mars is in your area of communication and whilst you may come up with some new ideas that hit you out of the blue you need to be discerning as to what will and won’t work. Keep your ears out for anything your partner may put to you mid month as it looks like there is something you can use with it to your advantage… and their’s. Moon in Sagittarius 9, 10

CAPRICORN You seem to be having a very busy start to the new year with the sun and 3 planets at one time or another throughout the month being in your sign. You’ve had Pluto there for a few years now but this month you also have Mercury and Venus travelling through your sign giving you a helping hand in communication and love. Yes… you heard that right… Pluto, planet of transformation being joined by Mercury, planet of communication and Venus, planet of love. Pretty good combination and one that should be taken advantage of. If there is anything you are wanting to change about your relationship or love life now would be a good time to do so. Moon in Capricorn 11, 12

AQUARIUS Mars is in your sign this month giving you more energy and ideas than you may possibly know what to do with. This may or may not be a good thing though as you may be feeling a bit sluggish due to many other things you have on your mind that you don’t quite have a handle on yet. This is not the month to make major decisions, it is not the month to go forging ahead and not taking other’s into consideration with your plans, rather it is the month to do what you need to do for yourself and give more time to see how other situations pan out. As Mercury enters your sign along with the Sun around the 21st you should have a better grasp of all the facts you need before making any changes. Moon in Aquarius 13, 14

PISCES Isn’t it nice to have your ruling planet Neptune back in your sign. This should be having the effect of heightening your Piscean qualities and generally making you feel at home within yourself. If this is not the case then this month you have Mars to blame for any discord around you and your own inner spirituality as the planet of war travels through your twelfth house. Keep a close eye on friendships around mid month as Venus and Pluto come into conjunction along with the moon in your own sign possibly throwing a light on to something you should have picked up on earlier, this being, a friendship that turns into something more serious. Moon in Pisces 15, 16

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