
January 2013 Horoscopes presented by “Chrisalis”: and “Melodie”:

ARIES Work and your place in it may be top of your list of priorities as 2013 begins with the Sun and Mercury both in this area of your chart turning your thoughts to work and how you can reach the top of your career goals. The Aries moon on 17th and 18th January not only highlights what is important to you emotionally it also occurs at the same time as Venus and Pluto are conjunct and it would be a great time to approach your boss about a promotion and/or put your own plans into motion on how you can best use your talents for your own advancement. Mars is in your friendship area this month and if you need any favours from a friend then now is the time to ask for them… be polite and ask nicely though. Moon in Aries 17, 18

TAURUS You may find that your new year starts off with some deep questions about your love life and relationships… or lack thereof. Apart from Saturn which is in your relationship area and will be for a few more years you also have Venus and Pluto coming into contact mid month which will have the effect of you possibly finding yourself in a matter of fighting for a relationship or fleeing from it. From the 1st to 21st the Sun and Mercury are also travelling through this same area of your chart giving you another push to make changes. After 21st your thoughts turn to work and getting ahead professionally so if you had decided to stay around and make that relationship work then make sure you plan to put more time and effort into things. Moon in Taurus 19, 20, 21

GEMINI You enter the new year with Venus in your love and relationships area so make the most of this while you still can… which is up until the 10th. Luckily for you around this same time the moon moves into a position to give your love life an extra boost on the 9th and 10th. After the 10th you may find yourself reverting to the other major influences you have had going on around you for the duration of January. These being, trying to get answers to something you just can’t put your finger on, feeling like you want to be free of a situation and putting energy into your plans to launch them into motion. With Mars in your area of travel it may just mean you are about to take a vacation… to a very adventurous location. Moon in Gemini 22, 23, 24

CANCER January is great for your love life but it may leave you with a mental hangover as you begin to dig deeper into questions you may have been putting off. Give yourself time mid month to focus on what you want in a relationship. This may be a relationship you are already in or, if not, a relationship you would like to have. Venus comes into close contact with Pluto at this time along with a favourable aspect from Saturn so it will pay to make a plan and stick to it. Just make sure the cards are all stacked in your favour and with these 3 planets that shouldn’t be difficult. If you have any legal papers to sign read them carefully and don’t rush in thinking you have covered all your bases. Mars is in a precarious position that suggests if you rush in… you will miss something important. Moon in Cancer 25, 26

LEO Work and relationships are both vying for your attention as the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto all line up in your work area. If you have been putting off any health checks you need to make do it now. For the duration of January Mars is in your relationship area making relationships full of passion or a bit rocky. Don’t allow anything to get so out of control that it ends in an argument because your patience may be wearing a bit thin possibly causing you to say something you will regret later. If you have been having trouble with a friendship that has gone wrong wait till the end of the month when Jupiter turns direct and is in a better position to sort things out for you. Moon in Leo 1, 27, 28, 29

VIRGO As per usual work is strongly featuring in your thoughts this month with Mars in this area of your chart throughout January. You should be able to accomplish quite a lot but don’t forget there are other things to life than work and over the coming weeks you will have several planets lining up in your area of fun, creativity and play to remind you of this. You have a great opportunity to partake in just these types of activities especially around the 15th to 17th when along with Pluto and Venus both coming into contact with each other you also have the added benefit of the moon in your area of love and relationships. Make the most of this because if you don’t you may find that your partner may not forgive and forget that you didn’t give him/her the time that you both needed to spend together. Moon in Virgo 2, 3, 30, 31

Part 2 – “Click here”:

over 11 years ago

Jordon Cubeno (jaydonc)

Wow at least few persons will have nice month,

over 11 years ago