Nicole Bowman (readings_with_nicole)


Today I felt led to write a blog post about giving free healings & intuitive readings.

There are definitely times when my spirit guide suggests that I give free or discounted readings to certain people. I do not always know the reasons for this. Nor do I need to know. I simply trust that everything is working out for our best and highest good.

However, my spirit guide has also clearly stated that readings and healings do require energy to perform & therefore there must be some kind of an energetic exchange to balance the energy.

She mentions that long before paper money, healers were always compensated for their time. They were often given the “money” of their day; ie: cattle, food, transportation, etc. It was customary to give the healer/reader something of great value in exchange for their services.

In this day and age, money is the simplest way to do so. We as a people value money and therefore it has the energy & importance we give to it.

However, there are also people who simply feel they should not pay for readings or healings at all. The believe that because the services/talents come from God it is immoral to charge. There are also healers and intuitives who echo the same beliefs.

I used to feel this way as well, but with time I came to understand that each and everyone of us is God incarnate & we come with a unique set of gifts that helps raise the vibration of the planet and provide a material life for ourselves—- so that we can support ourselves and do the work.

Healing & readings require energy, and when nothing is given in return for the services there is an energetic imbalance.

I have met many healers/readers who have become physically, mentally, or emotionally ill due in part to this.

They did not value their talents or themselves and kept giving and giving. Eventually their was nothing left, and in an attempt to heal, their bodies literally shut down and tried to rebuild for the sake of balancing energy.

If you are an intuitive and feel that you cannot possibly charge for your services ask yourself why.

You deserve to do what you love, and if you charge a fair price for your services you can help even more people.

This can actaully help you give free and discounted readings to the people who really need them! The world needs you happy, prosperous and whole. How can you help others if you are struggling to survive?

Trust me. I know of which I speak. The more you have, the more you have to give: 0 )

Additionally, If you would like a reading/healing but do not want to pay for services ask yourself the same question.

Do you really want to receive insight, calm your mind, body, and spirit, but give nothing of value in return?

How do you expect prosperity, love, and peace to flow into your life if you will not extend it to someone else?

Granted, there are times when we may not have the full price for a reading or healing, and can only comfortably pay a smaller amount, but even that is an act of thanksgiving & intuitives who are walking in the light will know this and honor your request.

You expect to be compensated for your time at work right?

So, how is a healing/reading any different?

Let’s try to treat others the way we want to be treated & and honor the God in them.

The world needs lightworkers!

Go out and support them: 0 )

over 12 years ago

Psychic Vicci (psychicvicci)

another reallly realllllly great article Nicole! I think even when we know something it is definitely nice to hear it again … to be reminded or to hear the guideline but in different words…funny because I really needed to read just this article at this very moment ….

Wonder why it is, that we – clairvoyants, psychics, healers etc – are picked out most often and battered for charging for our “God given ability” ... “I” think a doctor has a God given talent, a teacher, a fireman, and so on and so on … everyone has a special ability…finding it isn’t always easy..but psychics tend to be often criticized for charging …

You know several years ago, thru my office, we stated if you were unable to pay for a reading but would donate YOUR time to a not for profit agency…be it for kids, women, pets, any not for profit…or if you would donate old clothing – items of any kind – and then send us a copy of your receipt – I would provide a phone reading with no charge to you…you know how many people took advantage of that in a one year period? two. BUT we had over 400 requests by email alone during that time period for free readings.

Finally we did away with the offer… and like you, if I get the feeling to do the reading for free…I follow my heart.

Again, nice article and well needed today ;)

over 11 years ago