David Palmer (davidpalmer)

For full article: contact me here at Bitwine Inc.

It was 2008. The world was at the bottom of a steep mountain with nowhere else to look but up. We start our journey on a road with loose footing, and the daunting task of finding the trail. It is always a battle starting from the bottom and finding our way to the top. 2008 was the end of aiming high (Pluto in Sagittarius) and the beginning of climbing to the top (where we were aiming.)

Pluto is where the power truly is. Transformation, is the main goal of wherever Pluto is. From 1995 – 2008, Pluto spent his time in Sagittarius. During this period, Pluto transformed our beliefs, brought big ideas to the surface and changed how high we aim. Sagittarius is where we aim, or at least where we come up with the big idea of where to aim. Capricorn is quite different. Instead of coming up with the “idea” of where to aim, Capricorn is about actually achieving a goal and making it to the top of the mountain. With Pluto now at home in Capricorn, (since 2008) and transforming our goals through 2024, we find ourselves on the journey to the top of the mountain.

I have to say, Pluto has not been considered a friend to many. He digs deep and exposes the truth, sheds the skin off our lives in order to expose the fresh and the new. Even though Pluto is the God of the Underworld, his darkness is what actually brings light. It is hard for us to deal with his unforgiving ways of exposing what needs to die. Death is not a fun place, the dark is scary in a world full of so much light. In order to go to heaven as many believe, or to move on to the next life, or transcend to another dimension, we must die to move on to our next journey. It is in this world of polar opposites that we must chuckle at the irony of such things.

If you take a look around your own life, the world that surrounds you and the drama that surrounds our everyday life, it seems everything is about reaching the top. Capricorn rules goals, ambitions, career, plans, structure and all the traits of how you reach the top. Whatever goal it is we have in our lives, we can not reach it without a responsible plan, structure and the ambition to look high and reach the top. With Pluto here, the world truly is coming up with its big plans and starting the long road upward. Our own goals are being planned and executed, but at the pace of Capricorn and Pluto.

The Planet Pluto and the sign Capricorn do quite well together. They create some true magic, or better said, they move mountains. Both are slow but make long-lasting impacts. Capricorn is taking the conservative road, making sure you don’t waste away all that you have, so you actually make it to the top. Pluto takes the longest to go around the Sun, his work does take the longest. Pluto eats away at us slowly and is usually hard to notice in the short-term. It is the sum of many small changes that create a long-lasting big change!

So, what should we expect to happen during this time period? I have put lot’s of deep thought into this subject, done lot’s of history and quite frankly have been watching the transit of Pluto very carefully. I want to start out with the concept: The Power to Control.

Most astrologers use the alignment of 1776. During this time period, the American revolution begun. Pluto in Capricorn changes the structure of our world. Most astrologers agree that Pluto rules government, some believe it is Capricorn. The Mongolian empire reached its peak in the Pluto in Capricorn transit of the 1200′s. History shows us great change in the power of control. The structure of our governments are changed, old plans and structures are deemed old and tired and then killed. Order is usually changed as well. To obtain order, we need disorder to rearrange the plans. History and the present, show us how order is changing. It was taxation without representation in the 1770′s. Now we deal with debt and a loss of control with our tax money. I see big changes happening with how we structure our government, the power of control will reach its peak and a new plan for our nation will come together.

Like I said earlier, Pluto exposes the truth. The reason for this is the sign of Scorpio, which rules Pluto. Every Scorpio you know holds trust as one of their most sacred traits. Scorpio people know a lie before you say it. Pluto does the same thing. The governments of the world, the plans, goals and structure in our own lives, are at the mercy of Pluto. Deceit, lies and the secrets we carry, especially in the areas of control are going to be exposed. Watch the world, as more lies are exposed and the truth will be told. Pluto makes small moves but long strides. Expect small exposures to lead to a big overall exposure of deceit in the name of control.

For full article contact me here at Bitwine Inc.

over 12 years ago