Alon Cohen (alon)

The Heart of the Home

They say that the heart of the home is the kitchen. If that’s the case, my house probably needs some serious CPR. When the shopping is left up to me, it usually consists of Captain Crunch & Doritos. I know it isn’t healthy, I know that it’s even possible to get scurvy if I don’t eat some vegetables. In fact, I don’t even like eating that way, it doesn’t make me feel good.

I’d much rather sit down to a healthy dinner, but I just don’t have the time or energy to figure out how exactly to do that. I was looking at & they seem to have a lot of answers. They have nutritionists available online, they are basically moving their office into your kitchen through audio & video capabilities. You can browse through & find the right nutritionist for you. I need to do something because it’s unlikely that a guy in scrubs will come in yelling “The pantry needs help, stat!”

over 16 years ago