Alon Cohen (alon)

Hi People

BitWine just came out with a new way of improving website monetization.

We call it the Tech Advisors’ Network and the Travel Advisors’ Network.

The described method will drive more traffic to Technical and Travel related Advisors and has tremendous benefits to site owners. As our tradition, the initial phase will not generate direct rev share to anyone beside the Advisors, but have many benefits to the site that justify implementation today.

Benefits currently include adding High Touch to High Tech, adding a sense of community, adding stickiness, adding hold time and repeat visitations to the site.

Here is the story of Ronen from who implemented the new Tech Advisors’ Network powered by BitWine on its Support Forum, to support more than half a million users of his amazing TVersity product.

Check the TVersity support forum:

The forum owner Ronen also the visionary inventor of was thrilled to include the new Tech Advisors’ Network Widget on his forum. He told me that he could now provide more cost effective technical support to TVersity users and have his community of users get paid for helping other members. All that without any additional operating cost to his site, and within 5 minutes of work.

The way he explained it is that now his own tech savvy users can help other less technical users. On top of that, his community advisors are thrilled to make money for their support efforts.

Vast amounts of important information can be posted searched and found free, over the forum pages, yet, some problems require interaction with the user, some problems require more than a written answer and some people need more hand-holding than others.

By using the Tech Advisors’ Network TVersity users enjoy both worlds. Free information on the forum and the ability to pay an expert to solve complicated problems in just few minutes.

The Widget also helps users become Advisors.

Ronen, a great supporter of the open source movement, decided to share the process of including the Tech Advisors’ Network widget in a phpBB forum for other phpBB forum operators to be able to gain similar benefits.

Anyone who wants the Tech Advisors’ Network widget:

1. First you need to have a BitWine Advisor account with a PayPal account associated and activated e-mail. You can do that at and register as an advisor.

2. Contact BitWine sales at [email protected] for a 2 minute explanation of the T&C, Rev Share plan and in order to get you the Widget 5 lines of code. This process automated in few weeks.

Note: Bitwine is now supporting the Travel Advisors’ network widget and the Tech Advisors’ Network widget.

If you are a web site administrator, you will know what to do with the Widget code. phpBB forum operators, continue here:

3. Go to the directory where your phpBB is installed on your server and open for editing the file overall_header.tpl which is located under templates/subsilver/

4. Look for the lines where it says:


5. Look 12 lines underneath where it says:


6. Add immediately after this text the following:


7. In between the <td> and </td> paste the Tech Advisors’ Network code given to you by BitWine.

8. Save this file and upload it to your website instead of the original version of it

9. This is it!

Thanks - BitWine Sales Team .

over 17 years ago