Nicole Bowman (readings_with_nicole)

Years ago when I was a university student, one of my teachers suggested that I keep a gratitude journal. He said it was a way to keep track of all the things I was thankful for. I suspect he knew it would help me during the difficult times when gratitude seemed impossible.

If you have never kept a gratitude journal, I invite you to start. It can be a plain notebook or a fancy journal. You can also write notes of thanks in your daily planner. The point is to find one thing you are thankful each day and make record of it. Write it in the present tense so that you continue to draw those positive conditions into your life. When times are tough, revisit your journal and reflect on the good moments. They will remind you of what matters most.

Sessions for the Soul Tuesday & Thursday from 8pm-10pm ET

Live Your Light

over 2 years ago

Priestess Kandi Ranson (priestesskandiranson)

I love the idea of a Gratitude journal. I have lived each day in such Gratitude of all my many wonderful blessings that journaling them never crossed my mind as a tool.

I am one who has no filter. My thoughts roll off my tongue like a river flowing out of control sometimes. Life in solitude makes that happen sometimes.

People are always asking me “What for”? after I have thought “Thank You” out loud.

The answer is always what I am grateful for in that moment. All day, every day, I am consciously finding things to be thankful for. I’m that person who finds the silver lining around every dark cloud.

I’m grateful for each breath I take comfortably. For having a place to live, hot and cold running water inside, an indoor bathroom with a shower and working toilet, electricity, food to eat, dishes to eat off, kettles and skillets, containers with lids to store leftovers, a refrigerator, a way to cook food, clothes to wear, a way to clean my clothes, my freedom, kindness given to me, the opportunity to earn an income, the birds, the trees, flowers, animals, farmers, huntsmen, fishermen, people who serve in the military, people who do all the jobs I can not, people who work in the positions that keep our country running, writers, filmmakers, the knowledge I gain each day and this list goes on and on.

When I am in the shower you can often hear me singing about how grateful I am to have the opportunity to have it readily available to me.

Living in gratitude is one of the most amazing lifestyles one can choose.

When we live in gratitude we appreciate much more.

Thank you for sharing this. I enjoyed reading and appreciate the concept of a gratitude journal.

about 1 year ago

LoveSizeMedium (lovesizemedium)

OOOOOHhhh love this!!! xoxoxo

about 1 year ago

♥ Caring Clarity ♥ (carolinekarma)

Remembering to be grateful is so important

about 1 year ago

LoveSizeMedium (lovesizemedium)


11 months ago