Melissa Spirit Star Astrology (melissa_spiritstarastrology)

Full Moon in Aquarius 24th July 10:36 Kuala Lumpur, 12:26 Sydney, 23rd July 22:36 EST

Community Connection and Social Innovation

Falling in inventive, out of the box Aquarius, this Full Moon shines a light on the new and novel ways we are creating to stay engaged together, and in community.

Covid-19 has forced us to change how we come together socially. Saturn in close proximity to the Moon at this time reinforces limitations and rules. We may see more laws or boundaries being enforced. The consequences of not taking the necessary precautions may also surface at this time.

Our experiences at this time, and how we work to overcome these limitations, together, being key word here, will help us form the kind of resilience and community that we need as we create a better world and future.

Shining a light in the dark

On the opposite side of the spectrum, we find the radiant, fun loving and creative Leo Sun. The Sun in Leo brings an abundance of life force and creative energy that may find itself frustrated at encountering the limiting force of Saturn.

In Aquarius and with the Moon in this sign, this block or limit may be encountered in group settings or in community. However, the nature of the Sun and Leo is to shine. Sharing a ray of hope, brightness and encouraging those around you is a worthy endeavour at this time. This solar gold can shine a light, and help transmute and integrate the karmic lessons of Saturn which often bring a quality of heaviness and depression.

Saturn and the Moon in Aquarius then can be a foundation, a solid rock of support and container for the manifestation of creative collaboration and well-being.


Connection is a fundamental human need. It is a good time during this Full Moon to look at the relationships and connections in your life.

How and who are you becoming during these difficult times so that you show up more authentically for yourself and others?

The Full Moon is a time of release. We can at this time find cosmic support to severe old energetic attachments that are draining, releasing contracts and relationships that no longer align or resonate with our authenticity.

The Sun in Leo can help us to welcome in connections that nourish, support and inspire us.

Wishing you a meaningful Full Moon in Aquarius.

over 2 years ago