Sophea (rravenmoon)

Aries: Be aware of two extremes. Do not let your strength or baser desires control you. Or conversely, do not deny your own power.

Taurus: Recognize your own strength and ability to maintain order and control in the midst of chaos. Know that you can achieve more than you think you can. Celebrate your accomplishments.

Gemini: You are in a position to receive outward congratulations for your actions. You have done well and deserve to be recognized. Enjoy the accolades.

Cancer: You have made a choice and now must wait for the results. Whether you are patient or impatient doesn’t really matter—it will not affect the outcome.

Leo: You have achieved a satisfying goal. Take time to celebrate this. Be proud of what you have done.

Virgo: You are in a competitive situation. See it for what it is: an opportunity to grow and to help others grow. Although competing with others, you are really in competition with your self. Do your best, for your own good and for the good of others.

Libra: You are ready to try something new. It may be something you’ve thought about for some time or have been reading or studying. It’s time to put your thoughts into action.

Scorpio: Be aware of letting one element of a choice overshadow all else. A relationship with simply a physical attraction, a career decision with only an intellectual appeal, or a home opportunity with decadent amenities may not be the best choice in the long run.

Sagittarius: Be aware of ignoring simple pleasures of life and not appreciating those around you. This is not a time to focus on your problems, no matter how pressing. Practice gratitude and see what develops.

Capricorn: Be aware of losing the magical connection to process and product. If you find that something that used to delight you has become rote, try to recapture your early feelings or maybe learn a new skill.

Aquarius: Be aware of assuming you know everything and ignoring advice. Emotions are surprising things. Even if you think you are prepared, realize that you more than likely haven’t considered everything. Don’t shun the advice of someone more experienced.

Pisces: You need time to regroup. Although your situation is problematic, you will resolve it until you can take some time out. Remove yourself from the situation, meditate, and find your center.

over 2 years ago